Study How to Control Hair Loss Using Natural Sources a lot more

How to Control Hair Loss Using Natural Sources

Hair Loss

Hair loss is like an epidemic, a disease that affects a great population of the world. If you're losing your hair, you can actually control it using totally natural solutions.

It would appear that the normal thing to do is go out and make a purchase of the newest, and greatest edition of hair loss product. Of course this is what many people do, only to find out later that they wasted their money.

A better approach is to use a natural method. Did you know that your hair can come out for more reasons than heredity? It's true. Take note of these various causes of hair loss, then we will look at some ways you can treat these causes with very little effort:

1.) Chronic illness/sickness

2.) Prescription medications

3.) Overactive/underactive thyroid gland

4.) Hormonal imbalances

5.) Low blood circulation in the scalp

6.) Lack of vital nutrients within the body

and the list goes on . . . . .

Well while we won't attack each of these in this article, specifically take note of number five in the list. Low blood circulation can cause you to experience thinning hair in no time. The reason this happens is because your follicles are like plants. Without a good supply of blood flowing to their roots, they will starve and die.

They use various nutrients from your blood to produce hair. Now there are several things you can to treat this problem. You can go out and buy one of those expensive laser combs that are supposedly designed to stimulate circulation, or you can apply the ancient method of Champissage.

Champissage is an old Indian way of massaging the scalp using certain oils in order to produce hair, relieve stress, as well as promote overal hair growth. The oils you will need are jojoba, coconut, and almond.

Massage these oils together into the scalp, using your thumbs and forefinger to lift and rotate the scalp. This will get your blood flowing quite fast, and it only has to be performed for 15 minutes each day.

Of course this one 'natural technique' isn't the only one you need to know in order to get your hair back. Learn how to implement the other five causes above by downloading your free ebook here: Top Keys For Hair Growth []

Understand Hair Loss - 6 Common Causes much more

Hair Loss

A friend of mine called me one day and said "I think I'm getting bald! I'm losing a lot of hair!"

Well, his frightened response is justified. The thought of losing your hair is horrifying, especially if you did not expect it to happen in your mid-twenties. But don't panic! Experts say that hair loss will not necessarily lead to baldness.

Some of the common causes of hair loss include the following:

1. Major Illness or Surgery

You may notice that you are losing hair about 3 or 4 months after a major illness or surgery. This is temporary and is an effect of the stress of the body relative to the illness.

2. Hormonal Problems

Your hair fall may be due to the over activity or under activity or your thyroid gland. Hair loss can happen if the male or female hormones are out of equilibrium in the body. If you can correct the hormone imbalance, you can stop the hair loss.

3. Autoimmune Disease

If you have alopecia areata (defined as an autoimmune disease where the immune system in a person's body attacks its healthy tissues, cells and organs), this can cause your hair loss. It affects 1.7% of the global population. It usually starts as bald round patches on the scalp and can sometimes lead to total hair loss. But usual cases report that the hair grows back in 6 months to 2 years.

4. Post Pregnancy

If you just gave birth to a baby about 3 months ago, you may notice some hair loss. The culprit here is also called hormones. There is a surge in Hormone levels during pregnancy. When the hormone level declines, those hairs will fall out and the normal cycle of hair growth and hair loss will start again. This time it will be for a longer term hair growth.

5. Fungal Infections

You can check with your doctor if you have certain infections that can cause hair loss. These infections can be easily treated with many antifungal medicines.

6. Medication

If you are taking medicines such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), excessive Vitamin A, some birth control pills or antidepressants, you may experience some hair loss. The most known medications to cause hair loss are medicines used to treat cancer. Your hair loss will stop when you discontinue taking the medicine.

Other causes can be improper hair treatments or excessive styling, poor nutrition or Male-Pattern Baldness. This type of hair loss is common among men. It is also called androgenetic alopecia. This condition is caused by a combination of androgens and genetics. Men usually inherit this type of trait. It is typically seen in a receding hair line and hair loss on the top of the head.

Although rare, women may also develop female-pattern baldness. This is a condition where the hair can become thin over the entire scalp. As for my friend's dilemma, I asked him if his father or grandfather was ever bald. And his answer explains it all.

For more information, please visit Hair Loss Treatment Other hot topics: Hair Science and 5 Effective Hair Loss Solutions.

Hair Loss - 6 Common Causes

Study Hair Loss - Hair Transplants much more

Hair Loss

For those who have experienced permanent hair loss whether from male pattern baldness, injury or trauma, hair replacement surgery may be a possible solution. A doctor can help determine if hair transplants are a good choice for you, and in some cases, if done for reconstructive purposes, these procedures may be covered by health insurance.

There are many qualified doctors with years of experience in hair replacement surgical procedures. And there are techniques available now that ensure that the end results are more natural looking than were produced by transplant procedures of the past. While this page will discuss some aspects of hair transplants, it will be up to your doctor to cover all aspects of any procedure that's pertinent to your particular needs.

Hair transplants can certainly restore some of the hair lost to pattern baldness, but in some cases, it won't match the full head of hair the patient had before hair loss started. Also, this is surgery and like all surgery, has some risks associated with it.

The hair used for transplants is taken from the rim (donor areas on the sides and back) of the head and transferred to the balding (recipient) areas. These donor areas must be healthy and have enough hair to used for replacement. The actual hairs of the cells that are transplanted will fall out initially, but new, permanent hair will eventually grow in its place. The three areas of the head that receive hair are the crown of the head, the mid-scalp area and the front of the head.

For best results, it's important to find a well-qualified surgeon who has experience in hair replacement surgery. This doctor should be knowledgeable in all types of transplanting techniques and able to help you decide which is the best for your case. This will start with an evaluation of your hair loss, family history, general health, and your expectations and goals. Your doctor should be able to inform you of any risks involved, including those that exist because of lifestyle or a pre-existing medical condition.

Thoroughly research and review prospective surgeons before deciding on one because hair replacement surgery is not extensively regulated. There is no single type of doctor who performs these surgeries. General practitioners, cosmetic surgeons, and dermatologists can all perform transplants. So make sure you get all pertinent information you need from each doctor, such as:

· A description of available transplant procedures as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. · The doctor's background, including the number and type of transplants he or she has performed. · What you should do before the surgery to prepare, and after to aid recovery and healing. · What sort of anesthesia will be used. · Photos of people with situations similar to yours before and after their procedures.

Since it is surgery, there will be specific guidelines for you to adhere to in preparation for surgery. These are meant give the procedure every chance for success and to minimize any difficulty during healing and recovery.

The actual surgery will involve transplanting small parts of the scalp from donor areas to the intended recipient areas. These donor scalp pieces can contain from 2 to 40 hairs, depending on the technique used. The smallest numbers of hairs that are transplanted are follicular units.

The transplanting of follicular units is the most modern of transplanting techniques. The biggest advantage to these kinds of replacements is the patient's hair can wind up looking very natural. Also, because of the way the donor section is removed, there is usually comparatively little scarring.

The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The recipient incisions are made with a very small instrument, and the grafts attached in such a way as to produce a growth direction that matches and recreates the original hair. Also, the much smaller grafts can be placed very close together to result in a thicker head of hair. An even newer technique is called Follicular Unit Extraction. It uses a small tool to remove individual follicular units. No scar is produced with this technique but it's more expensive and time consuming. Also, there's a greater chance that some of the follicular units may be damaged in the process.

As in all surgery there can be complications such as scarring, infection, swelling and numbness. Your doctor should be able to provide assistance with some or all of these problems.

So the upside to FU surgery is that it can produce results that mimic the patient's original head of hair in nearly every way. These transplants can look natural to anyone who examines them. The downside is that some replacement clinics are not able to provide the level of skill and the amount of time needed to successfully perform this procedure.

Hair replacement works for most (but not all) who have the procedure done. Remember though, it is surgery and the most invasive form of hair replacement available. Do your homework and be sure that it's for you before having transplant surgery.

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Hair Loss - Hair Transplants

Understand Menopause, Hair Loss, and Too Much Estrogen much more

It's no secret that menopause means you will be experiencing lots of bodily changes. But what you may not have been expecting is for menopause to cost you your hair! It is true though, that most women will experience thinning hair during menopause. How much loss you experience and how long the loss lasts depends on a number of factors including genetic propensity, lifestyle, diet, and health.

Even though it is by no means rare for a menopausal woman to suffer from alopecia, many doctors don't seem to have a solution and can be unsympathetic. The condition is often overlooked as a normal part of the aging process. Sometimes, Rogaine is suggested; but while Rogaine has the potential to enhance existing hair it does not offer a real solution to the original and underlying cause of your hair loss. And it cannot prevent future thinning.

Finding The Cause

Alopecia can be caused by many conditions but most alopecia in women (and men) can be attributed to hormonal factors. It has become obvious that hair is very sensitive to large hormonal shifts. Think about getting on and off birth control, pregnancy, and yes, menopause. Changes in your body's levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can and will likely affect hair growth. So much so that if a woman is experiencing a significant amount of loss, the first thing to consider is whether there has been any significant hormonal changes.

This is why doctors will say that it is "normal" for women to start thinning as they head into menopause. A better way to put it is that it is understandable that a menopausal woman experience hair shed. One great misconception about menopause is that the symptoms of menopause are always caused by an estrogen deficiency. The symptoms of perimenopause and menopause are caused by changes and fluctuations of hormones. When it comes to hormones, balance is key. Estrogen levels do fall as women head into menopause, but the hormone progesterone falls much more.

Hormonal imbalance is the primary cause of what is known as male pattern baldness when it occurs in women. This pattern of hair loss can be seen in women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, sometimes after pregnancy, and when heading into menopause. The problem is exacerbated when some women have a genetic predisposition to male pattern loss. If all this information has gotten you down a bit, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. The good news is that most cases of male pattern loss do not result in complete baldness. There's more good news; hormonal alopecia in women can be treated. Women who are able to balance their hormones can stop the hair shed and restore a full head of hair.

Hormonal Imbalance & Estrogen Dominance

Have you ever wondered why some women who are going through menopause still have a full head of hair while others are so thin on top? A lot of it has to do with lifestyle and how that lifestyle affects our hormones. We've already established that large fluctuations and imbalances in hormones can cause balding. With that, I'd like to introduce the term 'estrogen dominance'. Estrogen dominance is the state where the level of estrogen in the body outweighs the level of progesterone in the body.

In the west, it is estimated that half the women over 35 are estrogen dominant. Progesterone is estrogen's antagonist. Estrogen, for example will stimulate cysts in the breast and progesterone protects against cysts in the breasts. Estrogen will cause you to retain salt and water and progesterone acts as a diuretic. Breast and endometrial cancers are thought to be estrogen dependent while progesterone protects against those types of cancers. Estrogen is not all bad, but progesterone needs to be available to work synchronously with estrogen. Both are necessary for the proper and normal functioning of the female body.

It is not simply the estrogen deficiency that causes many of the health problems prevalent in women; it is the dominance of estrogen compared with the amount of available progesterone. Estrogen declines gradually as we age, but there is a dramatic difference in the rate of decline of estrogen as compared with progesterone. From the ages of 35 to 50, there is a 75 percent reduction in the amount of progesterone produced by the body, while estrogen declines only 35 percent during this same time period. When women finally reach menopause, the amount of progesterone in the body is severely low, compared to the amount of estrogen (which, is still present at about one half of premenopausal levels).

The world's authority on natural hormone replacement therapy, Dr. John Lee, stated that in order for women to have optimum health, the ratio of progesterone to estrogen should be about 250 to 1.

Besides menopause there are a lot of ways women can become estrogen dominant. Anytime a woman is prescribed estrogen without progesterone, she can become estrogen dominant. Many hormone replacement programs put women on estrogens such as Premarin. Despite many years of research that shows that women receiving unopposed estrogen from a hormone replacement therapy program can increase a woman's risk of breast and endometrial cancers. Other sources of extra estrogen include:

Xenoestrogens- these are estrogen-mimicking chemicals that are found in plastics, lotions, cosmetics, shampoos, hair products, room deodorizers, soaps, car exhaust, pesticides, nail polish, glues, dry cleaning chemicals, industrial waste, and fragrances. Xenoestrogens disrupt hormonal interactions in the body and act like estrogen.
Dairy and animal products that have been supplemented with hormones
A healthy liver helps to get rid of excess estrogen, but an overwhelmed liver will not be able to do this.
An unhealthy gut will allow excess estrogens to be reabsorbed in the digestive tract.
Birth control pills
Obesity is another contributor. Fat cells can convert other hormones into estrogen.
Stress can cause adrenal gland exhaustion, which will lead to reduced progesterone production.
An unhealthy diet can cause estrogen dominance. Studies show that both estrogen and progesterone levels decreased in women who changed their diets to a low fat, high fiber diet- even if they did not lower their caloric intake. Plant foods contain compounds that act as progesterone to counter balance estrogen. Women who eat healthier will have less severe menopause symptoms because the level of hormones in their bodies does not change as significantly.
Caffeine intake is linked to increased levels of estrogen.

You may be shocked at all of the external factors that can contribute to estrogen dominance. Almost all of us who live in the developed world are continuously exposed to estrogenic compounds.

How Estrogen Dominance Leads to Hair Loss

At this point you may be asking yourself, "How does estrogen dominance lead to hair loss?" Well, the estrogen dominant condition mimics the effects of hypothyroidism by interfering with thyroid hormones. Hair thinning is a well-known side effect of hypothyroidism. Hair loss is not the only hypothyroid mimicking symptom of estrogen dominance; other symptoms include water retention, dry skin, loss of memory, and some autoimmune disorders.

Estrogen increases Thyroid Binding Globulin in the blood, which stops thyroid activity. Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG) is a protein that carries thyroid hormones. Increasing levels of TBG reduces the amount of thyroid proteins available to bind to their receptors because they are being "bound" by TBG. This means less available thyroid proteins to regulate and maintain metabolism. What is particularly interesting is that if you are tested, blood thyroid levels will test normal or high because the problem is not the amount of thyroid hormones available in the body, it is that they are being bound by TBG.

Women who are estrogen dominant will require more thyroid hormone for normal function because of the high levels of estrogen compared to progesterone. Effectively, estrogen dominance causes a decrease in thyroid secretion and decreases sensitivity to thyroid hormones. This is what estrogen is meant to do. High levels of estrogen are meant to cause fat build up to prepare the body for pregnancy. The way that estrogen does this is by lowering your body's sensitivity to thyroid hormone.

Make Lifestyle Changes That Will Promote Hair Growth

If you think that estrogen dominance could be the cause of your hair loss you can start by talking to your health care provider about getting the following tests:

Full hormone panel - look at levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone
Fasting Insulin
Metabolic Panel - Liver function
Ferritin - Iron deficiency

Once you have established that estrogen could be contributing to your thinning there are many things you can do to recover. No one knows the absolute cure for hair loss, at the same time menopause does not have to be a hair death sentence. If and when you begin to notice thinning hair please do not yet resign yourself to wigs, hair thickeners, and a lifetime of Rogaine- not just yet. You have many choices that really do work. Here is a piece of information that I would like for you remind yourself of when you begin to doubt- hair is amazingly adaptive and resilient. Most women notice huge improvement with just paying a bit of extra attention to nutrition, stress levels, and lifestyle. Here is what we recommend:

1. Diet is where you should start. Make sure that you are eating plenty of plant foods that will support your body, and give your hair the nutrients that it needs. Also, hair loss and stress can be caused and exacerbated by insufficient vitamins and minerals. Taking a multivitamin containing B vitamins (biotin, B6, and B12), zinc, selenium, and copper can help.

Studies show that diets high in fats and refined carbohydrates tend to increase estrogen levels. Women who eat wholesome meals and exercise frequently have a much lower incidence of menopausal symptoms. Foods that have high caffeine content are also linked with higher estrogen levels.

2. Balance your hormones. This can be really difficult and you may not know how to begin. An easy way is to get rid of items that may be introducing xenoestrogens into your body. You may also want to supplement with natural progesterone. The specific dosage will depend on how severe your condition is. Try to find a health care provider that has experience with natural hormone therapy. A look online can help you to find saliva tests, which can help you to determine your estrogen progesterone balance. A normal female body produces about 20 mg of progesterone daily. This is the amount of progesterone in natural cream form that is most often suggested. Again, it is recommended that you speak with a physician who has experience treating hormonal conditions with naturally derived hormone substitutes.

3. Maintain Ideal Body Weight. Remember that fat cells can increase estrogen production. Exercise has been shown to help balance hormones.

Despite what many conventional doctors may tell you, there is help for alopecia. You do not have to settle to "live with it." Start by taking a look at your hormonal health. This may leave clues as to what may be contributing to your hair loss (and other menopausal symptoms). Begin with making small changes; these can have a much larger impact on your hair and health than you expect.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy
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Menopause, Hair Loss, and Too Much Estrogen

Understand Ways to Fight Hair Loss more

Hair loss is one of the most common concerns for many people in their middle age. Though baldness is more common among the men, hair loss is something which most of the women undergo. Though women generally do not go absolutely bald but hair loss definitely leads to thinning of hair and who knows, it may also lead to baldness.

Most of the women suffer from hair loss or symptoms which suggest hair loss. There can be various reasons behind it. Stress is one of the main reasons why women undergo hair loss. Hormonal changes can be the other reason. In some cases it is genetic. Nutritional deficiency can also be the underlying cause of hair fall.

To combat hair fall there are various kinds of hair loss treatments available in the market. There are several shampoos and lotions which can prevent hair fall.

One can even use natural remedies to stop hair fall. Some of the natural herbs which help in this are tea, ginger, rosemary, liquorices extract and many more. The problem with these is that it takes a very long time to show results. They are kind of hit and trial method because one is not sure whether these remedies will have the desired effect. But for the people who have already lost a lot of hair and are on their way to baldness these lotions will not help them bring back their hair. For them the best option would be hair restoration.

There are various methods of hair restoration. The most popular one is hair transplant. In hair transplant hair is taken out from your own head from the areas where there is thick growth of hair and transplanted on the bald areas. This hair will then grow naturally. Earlier it used to be very painful but now days it can be done without causing any pain.

This helps you grow natural hair once again. The hair is taken out with the hair follicle and is put in the bald area with the hair follicle so that it can again grow naturally. These treatments are used more by men than women to cure their baldness. Since these methods involve surgery many people avoid undergoing this treatment. To solve their problem the other method of transplanting hair was invented which are laser transplants. It does not involve any surgery and therefore no pain.

Therefore whether your problem is thinning hair or complete hair loss, there is a solution for all kinds of hair problems now days. But for all those who do not suffer from this problem yet it is better to take care of your hair from the very beginning. If you see symptoms of hair loss immediately get it checked up. Always keep stress at bay and eat nutritious food. If the problem still persists you always have these options available.

Hair Loss

For any help on hair loss, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Advanced Hair Studio!

Ways to Fight Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Study Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes a lot more

Hair Loss In Women - Six Causes

Hair Loss

Hair loss in women differs from hair loss in men in the following ways:

Signs of hair loss in men:

Receding hairline

Moderate to extensive hair loss, particularly on the crown of the head

Signs of hair loss in women:

General thinning of hair all over the head

Moderate hair loss on the crown of the head or at the hairline

In summary, hair loss in women can start around 30 years of age and usually involves overall thinning rather than a bald patch. It often becomes more noticeable around 40 years of age.

Here are six causes of hair loss in women which can help you identify the possible cause and decide whether to just wait for the hair to regrow, or if it is a more serious reason, get professional advice and take appropriate action:

#1. Hair loss in women is often connected to pregnancy. Three to six months after delivering a child, many women notice a degree of hair loss as the hair goes into a resting phase because of the physiological impact of the pregnancy on the body.

#2. A woman's body can also be greatly affected by intensive diets and losing a lot of weight in a short period of time.

#3. Severe illnesses and infections can put great stress on the body thus triggering the hair into a resting phase which result hair shedding. Often the body recovers naturally within 3 to 9 months and the hair begins to regrow until it almost resembles its original condition.

#4. Hair loss in women can be aggravated further by improper use of chemical hair treatments such as dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves.

Generally, healthy hair can undergo these treatments without showing signs of stress, if they are not done too often. However, if hair is breaking or if it becomes brittle it is best to stop these procedures until the hair has grown out.

#5. The constant pulling of hair with styles such as ponytails and braids can sometimes cause hair loss in women. Avoid pulling the hair tight with these styles.

#6. Rough combing and brushing of the hair and vigorous rubbing with a towel after shampooing can cause it to break, adding further to the problem of Hair loss in women. Wide toothed combs and brushes with smooth tips are recommended to minimize hair breakage.


Although hair loss is distressing for everyone, hair loss in women is perhaps a cause of more anxiety as it can lead to feelings of lack of confidence and femininity.

In many cases, proper care and attention to hair can greatly reduce the danger of hair loss.

In other cases involving illness or heredity, consulting with a professional hair stylist can result in a hair style that minimizes the effect of hair loss in women.

Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:

Check MikeÂ’s free hair loss research library here:

Speed up hair growth:

Read through Hair Regrowth - What Hair Loss Treatment Works? much more

Hair loss is a normal occurrence for everybody. It is normal to shed a few strands of hair everyday because it is a part of the normal process, they are also replaced with new ones everyday. The problem starts if the situation is already becoming out of hand. It's a scary prospect to becoming bald. There are hair re-growth treatments available, although, it is best to consult a specialist before trying it. The professionals will be able to tell you the root of the problem and will be able to prescribe the appropriate regrowth formula.

There are a lot of reasons why it can occur. One of the more popular causes is the increase of  your DHT hormones levels. The DHT has been regarded as the one responsible for most types of loss of hair. However, it may also be due to medications, stress, some kinds of disease and consuming certain kinds of medicine.

If it is the result of too much stress, aromatherapy can help soothe you. This will stimulate the hair follicles and hair re-growth. Aromatherapy is believed to help blood circulation which aids nourishment reaching all the parts of your body including your hair follicles. In cases where the baldness is a result of a specific disease, the best way is to cure the disease and the it will grow back eventually, albeit at a normal rate of growth. There are also two hair regrowth treatments that is approved by the FDA. These are minoxidil and finasteride. These two  treatments have been proven to stop excessive hair loss however; it was also found out that the effects only lasts as long as the treatment is being applied.

There are a lot of formulas in the market today and most of them can be bought over the counter. It is advisable to avoid self-medication because this causes more harm than help.

Hair Loss

Losing hair is embarrassing. Fortunately there are ways that you can do to fix that. Click on the link to know more about Hair Loss Treatment [] where you can find helpful review on Hair Loss Product []!

Hair Regrowth - What Hair Loss Treatment Works?

Hair Loss

Read Hair Loss in Women much more

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair loss was previously thought of as only a male problem. However, some studies have indicated that up to 60% of women suffer hair loss at some time in their lives, so it is also very much a female problem. In this article I have discussed some of the causes of women's hair loss.

Genetic ...
With female genetic hair loss, the inherited tendency towards losing it is activated by a change in the hormonal balance within the scalp and follicle. At first, an increase in the rate of hair shedding is observed, followed by a decrease in fiber diameter, and then by the number of hairs in the affected area. This leads to wider partings and a diffuse thinning from just behind the frontal hair line to the crown.

Post-Menopausal ...
The natural reduction in circulating female hormones (estrogens) during this time can change the estrogen to androgen (male hormone) balance. This can lead either to further loss or can cause a first episode of the condition.

Thyroid imbalances can produce significant changes in growth and quality. Some studies have shown that approximately 2% of women are affected. Only a blood test can accurately diagnose this condition.

Following childbirth, more than 50% of women can experience post-natal hair loss, however, this usually regrows without treatment. In those few women where it does not regrow, other reasons may be present such as hormonal and/or nutritional factors. If a woman experienced hair loss in one pregnancy she may not after a second or subsequent pregnancy, and vice versa.

General health disturbances can cause increased shedding 6 to 16 weeks after the start of the problem. No treatment is usually required. Sometimes additional shedding can be caused by the medications given to help the illness, or if a prolonged fever is associated with the illness.

The loss of weight in a short period of time or a change in eating habits can cause an increase in shedding. In addition, a deficiency in protein intake or of certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to more loss. In most cases, however, once the diet program is finished or the eating habits have been improved, the hair should regrow.

The importance of good care...
Some hair loss disturbances may be due simply to incorrect shampooing or hairdressing procedures. Vigorous brushing, over processed perms and/or colors can cause hair due to breakage.

Dr. David H. Kingsley, PhD is a board certified trichologist (hair loss specialist). He is the only trichologist in the world who is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr. Kingsley has 3 New York City trichology centers. For more information on hair loss, please log onto

Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Study Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder far more

Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Excessive hair loss should never be dismissed as a cosmetic problem, as it can be an early warning sign of impending illness. Any change in hair can be the body's way of telling you to pay attention to your health.

The condition of one's hair is an indication of their entire physical and emotional well-being. When a person is physically or emotionally ill their hair may become dull and lifeless, and may begin to fall out. Traditional Chinese medicine and other healing systems view the outward appearance of one's hair as an indication of the internal system.

Hair loss is a symptom of many medical conditions. Taking hair loss seriously in the beginning stages can help prevent a slight imbalance from becoming a more serious medical condition. In many cases hair loss is temporary and can be easily corrected once the cause is identified and addressed.

An example of hair loss as an early symptom of impending illness was documented in the Journal of Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM, December 1989.) A 40 year old female experienced chronic diffuse hair loss with no other symptoms. Six months later she experienced an attack of ulcerative colitis. She was treated and remained well for eighteen months. During this time her hair loss ceased. Her second attack of ulcerative colitis was also preceded by diffuse hair loss before any other symptoms were present. Because of this pattern, another episode of hair loss could be a warning of the possibility of an upcoming ulcerative colitis attack, and preventative measures can be taken.

Other gastrointestinal disorders such as Chron's disease and Celiac disease often include hair loss as a symptom. These types of disorders hinder the body's ability of absorb nutrients. Malnourishment often shows up in the hair before other symptoms are present.

Hair loss is often the first symptom of any type of adrenal gland imbalance. If treated early balance can be re-established. Untreated adrenal gland disturbances can progress to more serious disorders such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome.

The thyroid is commonly involved in hair loss. A healthy thyroid is essential for healthy hair. Even a slight deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones could cause hair loss. The thyroid should always be checked when hair loss occurs.

There are over 80 different autoimmune disorders. Although hair loss is very common with certain autoimmune disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, and Grave's disease, it can be a symptom of almost all autoimmune conditions. Changes in texture, color, dryness etc. commonly occur in autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune conditions cause the immune system to mistakenly view its own cells as foreign invaders. In response the immune system begins to attack its own body, affecting various organs and body systems.

Any liver or kidney deficiency can manifest as hair loss. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are believed to be the primary organ connected to scalp hair. It is thought that beautiful lustrous hair is a sign of healthy kidneys; and that a weakness in the kidneys can cause thinning and prematurely gray hair.

Problems with insulin and blood sugar levels such as in hypoglycemia and diabetes can cause hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia are also causes of hair loss.

Any hormonal imbalance can lead to hair loss. A common cause of hair loss in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Candidiasis albicans is a condition of yeast overgrowth which can become very destructive and cause many health problems including hair loss.

These are some of the more common medical conditions in which has loss can be a symptom. Anytime the body is not functioning optimally hair loss may occur. Because hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body (along with bone marrow) it is very sensitive to any disturbances.

It is important to pay attention to any changes in hair and to identify the cause as soon as possible. Correcting the problem early could minimize future health problems.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about what causes hair loss, and how to treat it, you may wish to read Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem by Melanie Vonzabuesnig Please vistit VZ BOTANICALS for more information on hair loss.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy as a natural solution for her own hair loss. Information on aromatherapy and hair loss is available in her book Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair

Go through Hair Loss Remedies - Conventional And Natural Treatment a lot more

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Male pattern baldness, also called alopecia, is characterized by hair receding from the lateral sides of the forehead, known as a receding hairline; an additional bald patch may develop on top. It's much easier to prevent the falling out of healthy hairs than to regrow hair in follicles that are already dormant. Baldness is simply the state of lacking hair where it usually grows, especially on the head.

Many women notice hair loss about three months after they've had a baby; during pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out and when the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts up again. If the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out; treating thyroid disease will help remedy this. Poor digestion, parasites and nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be overlooked as possible causes.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from just one area to every hair on the entire body. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine or you may find you really don't need the medicine at all. About 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you can suddenly temporarily lose a large amount of hair; this hair loss is related to the stress of the illness.

Hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from a person's maternal grandfather; while there's some basis for this belief, both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Tumors and skin growths can also induce localized baldness.

There are prescription drugs, herbal remedies and topical applications for hair loss. Go a more natural way with treatment if possible; taking hair loss drugs require many months of exposure to chemicals. There are natural home remedies and many recipes for making mixtures to apply topically to the scalp.

Please be aware there are side effects and serious side effects sometimes with the drugs that are commonly used for hair loss. Immunosuppressants applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata, though the side effects of some of these drugs make this therapy questionable. Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss.

Minoxidil is a drug that's used daily to prevent hair loss but may create heart problems; the hair it grows is very fine, only on the top of the head and may fall out again soon after the drug is stopped. Minoxidil is a very expensive drug, costing about one hundred dollars per month for daily treatment. Propecia is available with a prescription; comes in pill form, is only for men and may take up to six months before you can tell if it is working.

Onion juice and honey remedy for hair loss: prepare a hair-growing elixir by combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey; massage the scalp with the mixture every day. Massage the scalp nightly with an oil mixture made of one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Asian remedy for hair loss - rub sesame oil on your scalp every night, cover with a cap or old towel; in the morning wash with an herbal shampoo, rinse with a solution of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one quart of water.

Olive oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss - use equal amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning. Garlic oil remedy for hair loss - at bedtime, puncture a couple of garlic pearles, squirt the oil on the scalp, massage, cover with a cap, shampoo and rinse in the morning. Try using double-strength herbal sage tea as a hair rinse or apply to scalp every day as a tonic.

Rub vitamin E oil into the scalp nightly. Try scalp massage every day. Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss; whether the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control of herbs imported from China can be questionable.

Circulation to the scalp is important. One patient reported that he used coconut oil on his hair and scalp for a year and during that time his hair became thicker and he hade more of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a bit; good as a hair gel too. Apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse may stimulate hair growth.

Remember that regrowing hair is a slow process, so don't look for results overnight for any remedy or treatment you try. Remember that any drugs you take for hair loss will be a long term commitment; consider the risks to your health before doing this. Keep in mind that hair loss should be continually treated, preferably natural however, even after it stops.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to a nurse's website specializing in hair loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments

Hair Loss Remedies - Conventional And Natural Treatment

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Study The Truth About Hair Loss and Stress far more

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Let's face it, there are a lot of reasons why hair loss and stress are connected. Most dermatologists point their finger at hormones and hereditary factors as the main reasons why losing your hair happens.

But there are other things that also affect thinning hair, factors such as diet, age and yes even stress. While it might not be obvious to the layman, there has been a connection between hair loss and stress seen by many experts.

The type of stress that causes your hair to fall out isn't what most people feel after a long, tiring day at work. Job or life related stress isn't enough to trigger thinning hair because if it is, then everyone suffers from stress-related hairloss.

Just how then are hair loss and stress connected? It is the type of stress a person experiences after going through severe injury, illness, surgery and even extreme emotional or psychological distress. For example, for women -- the stress of miscarriage and childbirth could likely contribute to thinning hair.

And also -- the hormone DHT which is a by-product of testosterone. It's present in both men and women and responsible for thinning hair because it chokes the hair follicles until the hair falls out.

However, it can be treated by taking the right nutrients and other ingredients which fights the DHT in your body. Various herb extracts and vitamins not only help your hair grow stronger but they also promote good health.

A substance called Minoxidil (FDA approved) when directly applied to your scalp blocks the DHT and encourages new growth. Herb extracts such as Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root also inhibits DHT, supports prostate health and gives your immune system a boost.

Specific vitamins and minerals that target hair growth are vitamin B6, B7 (Biotin), magnesium and zinc. All these specific ingredients work together to help you manage hair loss and stress more effectively.

Make no mistake about it. There are many types of stress and hair loss, but the above mentioned ingredients when combined is the best way to re-grow your hair, keep the strands you already have and promote a healthy body -- which makes managing stress levels a little easier

Visit my website today and learn about a remedy for hair loss and stress that's natural. Discover a healthy thinning hair treatment which uses natural ingredients to promote new growth plus give you optimum health.

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Marcus P. James is a dedicated researcher of skincare health and products for both men and women. Learn more about a new natural hair loss remedy that Marcus recently discovered and how it contrasts with other common hair treatment options... visit the highly informational short video at [].

The Truth About Hair Loss and Stress

Study Hair Loss Causes and Prevention - Guide to Hair Care extra

Hair Loss Causes and Prevention - Guide to Hair Care

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair loss is a common medical problem. Millions of people all over the world are putting their efforts to stop their hair loss. How ever, most of them did not spend a couple of minutes learning what the reasons behind their hair loss are and how to handle this problem properly. Read this article to learn the basics about hair, hair loss and hair loss treatments.

One important fact to know is that an average scalp has about 150,000 hair follicles and hairs, in them more than 90% of them grow continuously. Hairs arise from these hair follicles that are present in the scalp. When these scalp pores (hair follicles) gets blocked, it leads to hair fall or growth of bad textured hairs.

Causes of Hair Loss

There may be many reasons behind hair loss. So it's tough to list all of them here. This article will tell you only the major causes which are normally seen.

Hormonal Imbalance- One major cause of hair loss may be the hormonal imbalance brought on by something like a thyroid disease. Correcting a hormonal imbalance like the excess of androgens or estrogens could cause hair loss.

Genetic- Another big cause of hair loss is the genes being passed on from generation to generation.

Pregnancy- Many women begin to lose hairs a few months after pregnancy due to the imbalance in their hormones. This is usually cured on its own several months after the hormones return to normal.

Long Illness- Another common causes of hair loss is a long illness or a very stressful period of family strife. Stress can cause many problems with your body with one being the excessive loss of hair.

Infections- Certain types of fungal infections or degenerative diseases can also cause hair loss. To overcome the fungal infections that cause hair loss, you need to purchase an anti-fungal shampoo or lotion.

Poor diet- Lack of vitamins and minerals in your diet also leads to hair loss. You diet should contain proper nutrients to help you hairs grow healthy and keeps them strong.

Diet to Prevent and Cure Hair Loss

Protein is a vital food element required by all human beings and serves to the body in many ways. Natural sources of protein are milk, buttermilk, yogurt, soyabean, eggs, cheese, meat and fish. Normally 60 grams is required for women, between 80 to 90 grams for men and 80 to 100 grams of protein for adolescent boys and girls.

Hair problems like falling of hairs and premature graying of hairs may be caused by deficiency of some of B Vitamins, iron, copper and iodine.

A well balanced diet containing an adequate quantity of vegetable seeds, nuts green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, egg and milk should taken when a person tends to lose hair.

Prevent Hair Loss through Scalp Massage

An effective method to prevent hair fall and to promote hair growth is scalp massage. It's easy, safe and free from side effects. Massage your scalp regularly for 5 to 10 minutes. Massage gently with the help of your finger tips. One thing should always be kept in mind that never massages your wet hairs. Allow it to dry by itself or blow it dry.

Scalp massage improves the blood circulation of the scalp thereby supporting the proper nutrition to the scalp. Secondly it helps in getting rid of dead cells and improves the hygiene of scalp and hairs. These methods in turn help in supplying nutrition to the hair follicles and leads to hair grown. Massage also helps in opening blocked scalp pores (hair follicles) and thus promoting hair growth.

Though massage is very essential to achieve hair growth but the massage should be done with the help of some nutrient and supplement that are essential for hair growth. These can be hair oils, hair creams and hair packs etc.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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