Hair loss was previously thought of as only a male problem. However, some studies have indicated that up to 60% of women suffer hair loss at some time in their lives, so it is also very much a female problem. In this article I have discussed some of the causes of women's hair loss.
Genetic ...
With female genetic hair loss, the inherited tendency towards losing it is activated by a change in the hormonal balance within the scalp and follicle. At first, an increase in the rate of hair shedding is observed, followed by a decrease in fiber diameter, and then by the number of hairs in the affected area. This leads to wider partings and a diffuse thinning from just behind the frontal hair line to the crown.
Post-Menopausal ...
The natural reduction in circulating female hormones (estrogens) during this time can change the estrogen to androgen (male hormone) balance. This can lead either to further loss or can cause a first episode of the condition.
Thyroid imbalances can produce significant changes in growth and quality. Some studies have shown that approximately 2% of women are affected. Only a blood test can accurately diagnose this condition.
Following childbirth, more than 50% of women can experience post-natal hair loss, however, this usually regrows without treatment. In those few women where it does not regrow, other reasons may be present such as hormonal and/or nutritional factors. If a woman experienced hair loss in one pregnancy she may not after a second or subsequent pregnancy, and vice versa.
General health disturbances can cause increased shedding 6 to 16 weeks after the start of the problem. No treatment is usually required. Sometimes additional shedding can be caused by the medications given to help the illness, or if a prolonged fever is associated with the illness.
The loss of weight in a short period of time or a change in eating habits can cause an increase in shedding. In addition, a deficiency in protein intake or of certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to more loss. In most cases, however, once the diet program is finished or the eating habits have been improved, the hair should regrow.
The importance of good care...
Some hair loss disturbances may be due simply to incorrect shampooing or hairdressing procedures. Vigorous brushing, over processed perms and/or colors can cause hair due to breakage.
Dr. David H. Kingsley, PhD is a board certified trichologist (hair loss specialist). He is the only trichologist in the world who is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr. Kingsley has 3 New York City trichology centers. For more information on hair loss, please log onto