Examine Hair Loss - Why Does It Happen? a lot more

Hair Loss - Why Does It Happen?

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a reality for many people. It can start to happen early in your adult life. For many people it is a normal part of aging and it affects both men and women. For many men thinning hair involves the slow process of going bald. So what causes use to loss are our hair as we grow older?

For most men the type of hair loss that happens to them is called "pattern balding". This type of balding occurs at the forehead and the top of the head. These men end up with a receding hairline which progressively moves towards the top of the head. If balding is occurring at the top of the head, the receding hairline eventually meet this area creating a totally bald area shaped like a "U". The only hair that remains is above the ears and on the back of the head. This type of loss can start occurring during early adulthood or even during puberty. It is generally thought that you inherit this from your parents and the cause is considered genetic in nature.

There are other types of hair loss that commonly occur to both men and women. Many of these are due to our life style, environment and overall health. Poor nutrition can play a role in premature loss of hair and how we cope with stress. Many of the reasons that cause hair loss can be controlled by just living a healthy life style. Of course this is harder than it sounds for many people. Making adjustments in your life style will require some work. However the health benefits you will receive for your overall health and your hair will be well worth the effort.

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