Go through Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy - A New Technique a lot more

Since 1990s stem cells are used in many treatments. Nowadays for hair regeneration, hair loss stem cell therapy is proving to be a good technique.

First of all we need to know what stem cell is. Stem cells are the first building blocks of our body. We all started as a stem cell and then subsequently divided into millions of cells as we grew over time. Then a reverse process of decreasing stem cells starts, as we get older. The process gets faster if we suffer from diseases like heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes etc.

In stem cell therapy, stem cells are used as a replacement of damaged or dead cells in the body. On the scalp dead cells don't grow hair and the area becomes bare, which we call bald. Now if we replace the dead cells on the scalp with new ones through stem cell therapy then the bald spot can be transformed into an area full of hair. This is the basic premise of stem cell therapy for treating baldness. After using this therapy to treat baldness, particularly male pattern baldness, some have experienced good results and some have not had good results. The research is still on and hopefully the success rate will improve in the coming years.

In the scientific lab, stem cells are produced and then these cells are injected in the bald areas of the scalp. If the first attempt to generate hair does not work then the doctors try again but the result is not guaranteed as the process is at an initial stage. If you want to try stem cell therapy for hair loss you can contact a dermatologist for the purpose.

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Hair Loss Stem Cell Therapy - A New Technique

Read Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children far more

Hair Loss

It's natural for parents to become alarmed when they see locks of their babies hair falling out. Almost all newborns lose some (or all) of their hair during the first six months of life. This is a normal process. In most cases the hair eventually grows back, although the new hair may be a completely different color and texture than at birth!

A common condition, that may cause hair loss in infants is cradle cap. Cradle cap mainly affects infants between the ages of two to six months; causing a crusty, scaling scalp rash. Left untreated, cradle cap often clears up within several months. In severe cases it can cause itching and hair loss, and may also spread to other areas of the body.

Other forms of hair loss affecting infants are rare. They are often congenital in nature and may include hair shaft defects. As the child gets older they become more susceptible to various types of hair loss. After discussing the rare forms of hair loss which can affect infants and children, the more common forms will be addressed.

Congenital Atrichia

With congenital atrichia a child could be born with apparently normal hair; but once it enters the first resting period the hair falls out, and the entire growth process shuts down. In order for hair to grow, certain cells must stay in close contact with each other to transmit and receive signals necessary to keep the hair growth cycle functioning. With this condition the cellular communication gets disconnected, deactivating the hair growth cycle.

Loose Anagen Syndrome

This type of hair loss is most typical in small children with sparse fine hair that can easily be pulled out. It mostly affects girls with light hair. The hair usually does not grow past the nape of the neck. Under a microscope the hairs appear to lack an inner and outer root sheath and have a ruffled cuticle.

Triangular Alopecia

This is a pattern of hair loss that occurs in the temporal area on one or both sides and is usually in a triangular shape. The absence of hair in this area is present at birth or just after. It is permanent and irreversible but is not progressive. The shape and size of the bald area remains the same throughout lifetime.

Pili Torti

This condition can be congenital or acquired. It is most common in girls who have thin blonde hair. There is a rigid twisting of the hair fibers which leads to fractures in the cuticle and internal cortex layer of the hair shaft. The hair is dry and brittle and may stand out from the scalp. It breaks off at varying lengths.


This is a rare condition that begins in infancy. Although the infant is born with what appears to be normal vellus hair, it is soon replaced with dry, brittle hair that has a beaded appearance. The hair often breaks off even with the scalp and seldom grows longer than 2.5 cm.

Uncombable Hair Syndrome

Children with this syndrome usually have silvery blonde glass-like hair that is unruly and won't lie flat. It is difficult or impossible to comb. Because of its appearance it is also called "spun-glass hair." The hair stands away from the scalp in a disorderly fashion. Microscopic evaluation reveals a triangular (or kidney bean) shaped hair shaft with longitudinal grooving. Spontaneous improvement is often seen in later in adolescence.

The following types of hair loss are common in children aged four and older.


Contrary to its name ringworm does not come from a worm but is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophyte. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted through other people or animals. It is mostly seen on children between 4 and 11 years old. It usually begins as a small pimple that becomes larger, leaving scaly patches of baldness with an outline shaped like a ring. The hair often becomes brittle and breaks off very close to the scalp causing what is referred to as "black dot alopecia." Ringworm is also referred to as tinea capitis.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder which causes the hair to fall out in patches with well defined margins. The onset of alopecia areata is most common in children between four and seven years old but it can strike anybody at anytime. Alopecia areata can progress to alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis affecting total scalp and body hair.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia occurs from sustained tension on the scalp due to tightly pulled hairstyles. Prolonged traction causes hair to loosen from its follicular roots. Cheerleaders, dancers and other children who routinely wear these types of hairstyles are at risk. Also at risk are those who wear hair extensions-which are becoming consistently more popular. Prolonged persistent traction can cause permanent hair loss.


Trichotillomania can be translated from Greek to mean a "manic desire to pluck out one's own hair." It is an impulse control disorder that often starts in childhood. A person with this disorder will feel an overwhelming urge to pull out his or her hair. This urge causes an extreme amount of tension which continues to build until the hair is pulled.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium, also known as diffuse hair loss causes more hair than usual to retreat into the resting phase. This can be a reaction to any disturbance in the body as hair is very sensitive to changes. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and easily corrected once the problem is identified and addressed. Any type of illness, surgery or trauma can cause temporary diffuse hair loss.


Any medication can cause hair loss, even if it is not listed as a symptom. Psychopharmaceutical medications which are becoming more commonly prescribed to adolescents are known to cause hair loss in some people. Acne medications derived from vitamin A can cause hair loss. Some anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medicines list hair loss as a side effect. Any hormonal medication such as birth control pills or steroids can cause hair loss.

Bacterial Infections

Certain bacteria and other microorganism can infect the scalp causing inflammation and hair loss. Hair loss from scalp infections may be temporary or permanent depending on the degree of damage.

Eating Disorders

Hair loss can be a symptom of any eating disorder such as anorexia nervous or bulimia.


Hair loss often occurs during times of hormonal changes. Some hair loss may occur during puberty.


There have been reports of hair loss as an adverse side effect of vaccinations, mostly associated with the hepatitis B vaccine and mostly affecting females.

If you enjoyed this article and would like more information on the topic, Please visit VZ BOTANICALS Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem and Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy for her own hair loss.

Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children

Go through Itchy Scalp Hair Loss? Here's Why extra

Itchy scalp and hair loss can be very frustrating and worrying, and there can be a number of factors which cause or aggravate the hair loss. The hair loss caused by itchy scalp problems is not always permanent, and will often grow back once the main itchy scalp problem is sorted out.

In saying this though, it is vital that you take swift action to properly diagnose the problem and search for suitable remedies and treatments in order to avoid long term scarring from the itchy scalp irritation, and thus enable your hair to begin growing back.

Here I'd like to tell you about a few common reasons for itchy scalp hair loss and what you can do to alleviate the problem.

Folliculitis - strong ingredients in shampoos can damage hair follicles and lead to infections such as folliculitis.

Symptoms are normally small, white-headed pimples around one or more hair follicles. Deep folliculitis will often result in larger painful red boils.

If left untreated the folliculitis can significantly injure the hair follicle resulting in localised areas of scarring and bald patches where there are no visible follicles; this is known as "cicatricial alopecia".

Antibiotics are often used to treat folliculitis, but as with all antibiotics they can lead to a resistance to the antibiotic used. Natural remedies containing Tea Tree Oil or Lavender Oil can be extremely effective in treating the itchy scalp hair loss of folliculitis, particularly in the early stages, and can help to stimulate hair growth.

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis) - a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. It is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes, and the symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, hair loss and, if left untreated, can also lead to cicatricial alopecia.

The skin might peel or scale and be red and itchy, with swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) that appears as black dots.

The rash, being highly contagious, is normally treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar ingredients. Sometimes prescription medications are needed to clear it up.

There are many natural products that can be used to aid the healing process and act as natural antibiotics, but it must be stressed that ringworm is an aggressive fungus requiring close monitoring and appropriate treatment.

Psoriasis - said to affect some 2.5% of the US population (about 7 or 8 million people) psoriasis is a fairly common, non-contagious skin disease in which the skin cells replace themselves too quickly and cause red lesions covered with scale to appear.

Scalp psoriasis is said to affect at least half of all psoriasis sufferers and is characterized by white scales on patches of very red skin, often accompanied by severe itching and possibly temporary baldness on the affected areas.

Using a shampoo containing zinc pyrithione (in its natural form) can be extremely effective at combating psoriasis and itchy scalp hair loss in general, as it has very strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Home remedies using birch or avocado oil are also extremely effective in soothing and healing psoriasis.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis - similar in appearance to eczema (Atopic Dermatitis), this is an inflammatory reaction to the proliferation of a yeast called Malassezia (or Pityrosporum Ovale). It produces toxic substances that irritate the skin. This yeast is always present on the scalp in small numbers and feeds on the natural oils produced there.

Imbalances in the levels of oils (sebum) on the scalp, (often due to harsh shampoos, conditioners and hair dyes) can cause the yeast to multiply and grow, resulting in dry redness, flaking, itchy scalp and sometimes cause temporary hair loss. The flakes of skin are normally characterized by a yellowish colour and oily texture.

Since the dermatitis is generally caused by the use of harsh shampoos and the stripping and drying out of the scalp, it is advisable to use a shampoo containing only natural ingredients like Tea Tree Oil which will not only help to fight the infection but will control the yeast and condition the skin, as well as maintain the natural pH balance of the scalp. Adding Rosemary Oil to the shampoo can work wonders, in addition to using simple home remedies containing Manuka or Tea Tree Oil, as well as Lavender to stimulate hair growth.

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There are many simple remedies for itchy scalp hair loss that you can make in the comfort of your own home. Check out my itchy scalp and hair loss page which will give you tons more information on the causes of your itchy scalp hair loss and how to cure it.

For a Free ebook telling you some little known herbal cures that your doctor never told you about, go to my website and download a copy now --> http://www.natural-remedy-help.info/signup.html

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss? Here's Why

Hair Loss

Study How to Prevent Seborrheic Dermatitis Hair Loss additional

Hair loss is one of the problems that affect both the body and the mind. Hair loss indicates that all is not well with the body. Hair loss normally occurs due to some nutritional deficiency, due to a scalp problem or as a side effect of some disease.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a kind of skin problem in which the scalp and areas like nose, eyebrows and back develop dry, itchy, red patches. The causes for this problem include excessive sebum production, hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, obesity, stress etc. It is important to treat this problem in time so that it does not cause side effects like hair loss.

The main reason for Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss is the excessive secretion of sebum. Sebum creates a favorable environment for the fungus Pityrosporum ovale. The fungus along with bacteria causes skin inflammation and irritation. Due to this, the hair follicles get damaged and the hair starts falling.

There are many treatments that can help prevent Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss. One of this is to keep your scalp clean with mild anti-dandruff shampoo. Cleaning the scalp keeps it free from oil and dirt. This in turn prevents fungus and bacteria from thriving which is the main cause of inflammation. Some people may not experience relief with mild antidandruff shampoos and may need to use shampoos that contain coal tar, sulfur, salicylic acid, or zinc. Besides using medicated anti fungal shampoos, the application of topical cortisone solutions or creams also help in reducing itchiness and inflammation.

There are many shampoos and creams available for treating Seborrheic dermatitis. However, you should consult your doctor who can prescribe you a shampoo and ointment depending upon your problem and its severity. For areas other than scalp affected with Seborrheic dermatitis, you should apply cortisone cream. Some doctors also prescribe antibiotics and Vitamin B complex supplements to patients.

There are many natural methods to arrest this problem. One of it is the regular intake of flaxseed with water. The application of aloe vera on the scalp is also known to reduce the inflammation and help control this problem. The consumption of garlic reduces the fungal infection as it has antiseptic properties and hence helps to treat Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss. Eating fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants like apples, oranges, and spinach also reduces the skin inflammation. Seborrheic dermatitis hair loss is temporary. Once the skin inflammation reduces, hair starts growing again. However, even after the symptoms subside, you should take adequate precautions to prevent the recurrence of this problem. You should avoid direct sunlight and use dehumidifiers, as that will reduce the problem of skin inflammation and hence prevent hair loss.

Besides the above, it is necessary to lead a stress-free and healthy life. Your diet should include all the essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. This will help prevent hair loss and also help the new hair grow.

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How to Prevent Seborrheic Dermatitis Hair Loss

Go through Finding a Dermatologist for Hair Loss Issues far more

Finding a Dermatologist for Hair Loss Issues

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

If you are suddenly beginning to lose hair for what seems to be no good reason, you will want to see a dermatologist. It might seem like a strange place to go since they usually deal with the skin. They can help you with hair loss as well. If you are having other symptoms that lead them to believe you may have another more serious issue then they will refer you.

There are health problems such as those with the thyroid that can cause hair loss. Deficiencies in your diet might also be a cause. Pregnancy is also a cause of hair loss. It is usually after having a baby that you might notice hair loss in large quantities. This is fairly normal, but the first two should definitely be looked into. If you feel you are even losing too much after pregnancy, contact your doctor for a referral to a local dermatologist.

Do not be afraid to go to a dermatologist for fear you have something serious. Most likely it will be something simple that can be corrected, but it is best to get a professional opinion. There are over-the-counter supplements that might help those who have just had a baby, but you should discuss specifics with your doctor especially if you are still breastfeeding.

As a man, you might not worry about losing your hair. If you notice though that it does not seem to run in your family then you may have good reason to check with a dermatologist. This is especially the case if your eyelashes and eyebrows start to go away as well as the hair on your head. This could be a sign of a thyroid condition rather than normal hair loss.

As a woman, your situation is totally different. Usually you do not see women balding as often as you see men. It can happen though, and when it does, it most likely is very disconcerting. You might be embarrassed to talk to anyone about it. If it is noticeable though, one of your friends might ask about your health. You should ask yourself about it as well. It will not hurt you to go to a dermatologist just to get things checked out. If you would rather not go to them, start with your primary care provider to see if they can do blood work on you.

Never put off embarrassing issues. Sometimes your life can depend on making the right choice in matters like this, but most times, it will probably be a quick fix.

Are you suffering from hair loss? Learn more about what a dermatologist in Evans GA can do to help at: http://www.harmoniemedical.com.

Go through Male Leg Hair Loss - Treatment For Male Leg Hair Loss a lot more

Male Leg Hair Loss - Treatment For Male Leg Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Male leg hair loss is similar to that of normal male pattern hair loss. Male leg hair loss is usually the result of an excess of testosterone or a poor diet. Male leg hair loss can be prevented or treated fairly easily as long as you take the right precautions and follow my advice. This advice could be the one thing that can help you finally deal with this problem once and for all. With this taken care of you can start dealing with other important things in your life that should be taking up more of your time. This can make your life so much better once you deal with your hair problem and get it out-of-the-way.

1. If you have male hair problems then you should start eating plenty of protein. The more protein you eat the better. Why does eating protein help male leg hair loss? Good question. The reason is that protein helps to strengthen your hair and give you more of a chance of keeping the hair you have now. The kinds of food that have lots of protein are chicken, beef, pork, eggs, and beans. You can make your diet very healthy by eating lots of kidney beans. Plus, with your diet being better you will be much more healthy in general and being killing two birds with one stone.

2. Every day you should take vitamins to help against male leg hair problems. If you don't take your vitamins then you are giving your body more of a chance to let go of valuable nutrients that help to grow your hair. You can find good vitamins in your pharmacy. If you're confused about which ones to get then you can ask your doctor or any pharmacist. They should be really happy to help you with this problem as it is a lot more common than you probably think. You should never be ashamed to ask these kinds of questions to your doctor because you can be sure that they hear a lot more strange stuff every day.

3. Drink plenty of water to help keep your body hydrated. Water can help your body deal with bad things that you eat throughout the day. If your hair is dry and lacks nutrients then it is more likely to fall out. You should drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Does that mean only water? No, if you are battling with male leg hair loss then you can drink your water in the form of juice, coffee, and even cola. Of course the best way to take it in is water, because we all know that cola and coffee are not good for your whole body. Just be smart and you should be able to take in enough fluids throughout the day to help with your male leg hair loss.

Of course hair loss is a very complicated and serious issue. For more information about a Hair Loss Cure please visit us at http://www.HairLossCureblog.com.

Go through Pregnancy Hair Loss additional

Pregnancy Hair Loss

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

There are about 90% of women who undergo hair loss due to pregnancy. The hair that enters the resting phase every 2 to 3 months makes way for new hair to grow.

Pregnancy is a major cause of female hair loss as it is followed by excessive shedding of hair which is known as telogen effluvium. It takes place every one to 5 months and affects about 40% to 50% of the female population although it is a temporary change. 

If you want to know whether there is abnormal loss of hair during pregnancy, you must know that pregnancy is not a direct cause of female hair loss. The loss of hair takes place post delivery, when the majority of hairs enter the resting phase which is a normal part of the cycle of losing your hair.

This is not a serious condition and does not result in bald patches or hair fall permanently. The effectiveness begins to materialize 3 to 4 months post delivery. If you are experiencing unusual loss of hair during pregnancy, it may be out of a mineral or vitamin deficiency. 

Hair Loss and Pregnancy 

There is no doubt that pregnancy is a cause of female hair loss, although the common period of loss takes place 3 months following delivery.

You do not lose hair during pregnancy due to the rising hormonal levels, and after delivery, once the levels return to their normal states the hair starts falling out and returns to their usual cycle. Thus, the delay in the normal loss of hair, leads to immediate hair fall.

As much as 60% of your hair that grows in its normal state may enter the telogen resting state, with the loss of hair peaking at 3 to 4 months post delivery, when the follicles start rejuvenating themselves. This is temporary a phase and the hair grows back within a period of 6 to 12 months. 

Can Other Reproductive Causes Trigger Hair Loss 

The cause of female hair loss is not just pregnancy as it can result from anything that includes a variation in the estrogen balance in your system. The reproductive causes that can lead to loss of hair include the following: 

Discontinuation of birth control pills, or hormonal birth control methods
Still born delivery or miscarriage
Hormonal imbalance 
Does Pregnancy Affect your Hair Positively? 

Pregnancy increases levels of estrogen which allows the hair to remain in the growing phase and thus hair growth is stimulated. Hence, during pregnancy, you should expect a full growth of hair. Here are a few recommendations to combat the cause of female hair loss: 

To maintain healthy hair growth after pregnancy, consult your obstetrician for ensuring appropriate hormonal balance 

Avoid corn rows, pigtails, braids, hair weaves and tight rollers that pull and stress the hair 

Consume a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables to combat the cause of female hair loss. The ideal diet should contain anti oxidants and flavonoids for ensuring that the follicles are protected and that hair growth is encouraged

David Lebowe is a long time user and passionate advocate of natural hair care products. Visit his site now to discover cutting edge, natural hair care products [http://howtoregrowhairfast.com/index1] he recommends after extensive research: http://howtoregrowhairfast.com [http://howtoregrowhairfast.com/index1]

Go through Hair Loss - Vitamins, Diet and Supplements extra

The more stressful your life, the more important it is that you are taking vitamins, eating a healthy diet and even taking nutrient supplements that will help you in preventing hair loss.

o Vitamin A is an essential vitamin to help you with hair loss and thinning hair. However, be sure to not take more than 25,000 IU daily as it could lead to more hair loss or other severe problems.

o Vitamin C and E are two antioxidants vitamins that are important for keeping your hair, looking fuller and shinier, and scalp healthy.

o Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, deficiencies are associated with an increased production of sebum (oil produced by the hair follicles). However, too much B2 and increased sebum production may result in reduced strength of the hair shaft.

o Vitamin B3, niacin - can produce a skin "flush", an uncomfortable feeing, or "hot flash". If you do decide to take this, take the minimum and see how your body reacts first.

o Vitamin B6, pyridoxine hydrochloride - studies have shown B6 to help with healthy hair growth.

o Vitamin B12

o Folic acid is known for its importance in healthy cellular activity, proper cell division, and proper hair growth.

o Biotin - Helps produce keratin, may prevent graying and hair loss.

o Inositol - Keeps hair follicles healthy at the cellular level.

Many of these vitamins are provided by taking a good daily multi-vitamin and from eating a healthy diet.

Adjusting your diet will slow down the loss of hair as many of the vitamins that help you with health hair may be provided by the diet you eat.

o Vitamin C can be found in several vegetables and fruit, especially in citrus fruits. Vitamin E is known to help with circulation in your scalp area. This is found in various beans, as well as oils.

o Sources of B2 come from grains, or breads and cereals, milk and milk products as well as meat, poultry, and fish.

o Niacin (B3) food sources include brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.

o B6 comes from brewer's yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolk.

o Sources of B12 include chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

o Biotin is found in yeast, grains, liver, rice, milk, egg yolk, liver, kidney, soy and barley.

o Foods rich in inositol are whole grains, yeast, liver, citrus fruits, eggs, rice, and milk. With the addition of inositol, you will be able to promote hair growth beneath the scalp and have healthier hair.

...And lastly, supplement such as saw palmetto and zinc are very helpful for those looking for natural ways to help with hair loss

Saw palmetto is a type of fruit that is legendary in helping to solve problems with baldness and prostate health in the U.S. and throughout Europe.

Zinc is best known to effect hair loss when there is an absence of a substantial amount of the nutrient. Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. There are many times where zinc has also shown to be effective in stopping hair from turning gray.

Stopping hair loss and giving yourself a great looking, healthy head, of hair is not that difficult. Making sure that you are getting the vitamins you need, whether from a multi-vitamin or food sources, and even supplementing that with zinc and saw palmetto.

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Get the Valuable Information You Need In Your Research of The Vitamins to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Vitamins, Diet and Supplements

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Read Common Causes of Hair Loss far more

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

It is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day, this is part of the hair renewal process. But most people suffer from excessive hair loss at least once in their lives. There are very possible causes, including drugs, iron deficiency, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals, hormonal and nutritional factors, mechanical damage, generalized skin disease or local stress.

Many of these causes are temporary and some are permanent. These are some of the most common causes of hair loss.

1. Hormonal changes:
Hormones are one of the main reasons of hair loss. The male hormones collectively known as androgens have by far the biggest impact on hair loss. Most important male hormone, testosterone is indirectly related to hair loss in men. A man who has the essential genes for hair loss, a small amount of this testosterone is produced by some of the hair roots into a derivative called dihydrotestosterone that is actually responsible for hair loss.

When dihydrotestosterone is produced, it is present in the surface sebum (grease), which is secreted through the sebaceous glands in the skin tissue. In these circumstances, the dihydrotestosterone enter the follicle (the hole in the scalp from which the hair has come), when a hair is shed and inside there it reacts chemically. What it really does is to miniaturize the hair root and follicle. As a result, new hair will grow through the finer. When the new hair is a fine new building after Dihydrotestosterone miniaturized follicle and the hair root, and even more after your hair is even finer. This process continues until the hair is so thin that it might not be there at all, and if this happens all over the area, so a thin man, of course, on this surface and thus the hair loss occurs.

2. Stress:
Physical and mental stress has short-term effect on hair loss. It does not occur immediately with the stressful event but generally takes about 2 or 3 months after a stressful period or event has begun. Therefore, hair can be lost is that the telogen phase of hair follicles happens prematurely than is normal. As a result, you do not start to grow new hair after old hair shed. However, the stress has been removed the loss of hair will stop and the new hair starts to grow in place of that lost once more.

3. Skin disorder
Some particular types of skin disorders like psoriasis, which could be the reason for losing more hair than normal. However, when treatment begins with skin disease and hair begins to grow again.

4. Medication
There are varieties of medications, which are partly responsible for losing hair more than is normal. However, the problem can arise when you could really happen when you have received the drug for a long time., So in case of any medication, it is important to consult a doctor whether this could be a side effect of the drug taken.

5. Genetics:
It is often considered that hair loss may also occur genetically. If one's mother's or father's side relatives inherit this reason he or she may also suffers from the problem of hair loss.

6. Iron deficiency:
The lack of iron in human body occasionally causes hair loss in both man and women. Women suffers from this problem generally as they loss iron during their menstrual periods and develop iron deficiency. Low iron content in diets often causes iron deficiency in human body. Taking iron supplement or iron pills can solve iron deficiency.

7. Childbirth and pregnancy:
Many women face the problem of hair loss after giving birth although it does not seem to be much hair loss during the pregnancy. This happens as the hair enters the resting (telogen) phase. This problem resolves naturally after one to six month as hormone levels start to come back to normal after woman's body recovers from her pregnancy.

8. Poor blood circulation:
Baldness occurs not by inheritance or as a result of the effects of testosterone on hair follicles in the target area. On the contrary it is due to poor blood circulation in the scalp (from a variety of causes) and for inadequate nutrients in the blood. Another reason that is poor drainage of waste products thorough the lymphatic system.

9. Mechanical damage:
Mechanical damage to the hair may occur either through intentional or unintentional. Some stresses continuously pull the hair until it comes out. Hairs styling treatments, trichotillomania or hair pulling and hair braids or weaves are responsible for mechanical damage of hair. Irregular chemical treatment like dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, relaxers and permanent waves make and weak the hair.

Examine Hair Loss Remedies - Conventional And Natural Treatment additional

Hair Loss Remedies - Conventional And Natural Treatment

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Male pattern baldness, also called alopecia, is characterized by hair receding from the lateral sides of the forehead, known as a receding hairline; an additional bald patch may develop on top. It's much easier to prevent the falling out of healthy hairs than to regrow hair in follicles that are already dormant. Baldness is simply the state of lacking hair where it usually grows, especially on the head.

Many women notice hair loss about three months after they've had a baby; during pregnancy, high levels of certain hormones cause the body to keep hair that would normally fall out and when the hormones return to pre-pregnancy levels that hair falls out and the normal cycle of growth and loss starts up again. If the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, hair may fall out; treating thyroid disease will help remedy this. Poor digestion, parasites and nutrient deficiencies such as iron or biotin deficiency shouldn't be overlooked as possible causes.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder also known as "spot baldness" that can result in hair loss ranging from just one area to every hair on the entire body. If a medicine is causing your hair loss, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine or you may find you really don't need the medicine at all. About 3 or 4 months after an illness or a major surgery, you can suddenly temporarily lose a large amount of hair; this hair loss is related to the stress of the illness.

Hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. In the past it was believed that baldness was inherited from a person's maternal grandfather; while there's some basis for this belief, both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Tumors and skin growths can also induce localized baldness.

There are prescription drugs, herbal remedies and topical applications for hair loss. Go a more natural way with treatment if possible; taking hair loss drugs require many months of exposure to chemicals. There are natural home remedies and many recipes for making mixtures to apply topically to the scalp.

Please be aware there are side effects and serious side effects sometimes with the drugs that are commonly used for hair loss. Immunosuppressants applied to the scalp have been shown to temporarily reverse alopecia areata, though the side effects of some of these drugs make this therapy questionable. Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss.

Minoxidil is a drug that's used daily to prevent hair loss but may create heart problems; the hair it grows is very fine, only on the top of the head and may fall out again soon after the drug is stopped. Minoxidil is a very expensive drug, costing about one hundred dollars per month for daily treatment. Propecia is available with a prescription; comes in pill form, is only for men and may take up to six months before you can tell if it is working.

Onion juice and honey remedy for hair loss: prepare a hair-growing elixir by combining 1/4 cup of onion juice with one tablespoon of honey; massage the scalp with the mixture every day. Massage the scalp nightly with an oil mixture made of one part rosemary oil and two parts almond oil. Asian remedy for hair loss - rub sesame oil on your scalp every night, cover with a cap or old towel; in the morning wash with an herbal shampoo, rinse with a solution of one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one quart of water.

Olive oil and rosemary remedy for hair loss - use equal amounts of olive oil and oil of rosemary; combine them in a bottle, shake vigorously, massage into the scalp, put on a cap and shampoo in the morning. Garlic oil remedy for hair loss - at bedtime, puncture a couple of garlic pearles, squirt the oil on the scalp, massage, cover with a cap, shampoo and rinse in the morning. Try using double-strength herbal sage tea as a hair rinse or apply to scalp every day as a tonic.

Rub vitamin E oil into the scalp nightly. Try scalp massage every day. Polygonum Multiflorum is a traditional Chinese cure for hair loss; whether the plant itself is useful, the general safety and quality control of herbs imported from China can be questionable.

Circulation to the scalp is important. One patient reported that he used coconut oil on his hair and scalp for a year and during that time his hair became thicker and he hade more of it on the top of his head where he had been receding a bit; good as a hair gel too. Apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse may stimulate hair growth.

Remember that regrowing hair is a slow process, so don't look for results overnight for any remedy or treatment you try. Remember that any drugs you take for hair loss will be a long term commitment; consider the risks to your health before doing this. Keep in mind that hair loss should be continually treated, preferably natural however, even after it stops.

For more information on hair loss remedies and hair loss products go to http://www.HairLossRemedy.us a nurse's website specializing in hair loss treatments, causes and resources for men, women and children including information on hair transplants and hair loss natural treatments

Read Reasons For Hair Loss In Women: Your Available Treatment Options more

Reasons For Hair Loss In Women: Your Available Treatment Options

Hair Loss

Hair loss for women can be very distressing, it not only affects how you look on the outside it affects the way you feel inside. In the United Kingdom an average of 8 million women suffer with a severe loss of hair. Severe loss of hair can have an effect on confidence and can lead to feeling anxious.

The loss of hair is common women, this is because in our lifetime we are likely to go through periods of hormonal changes. This could be pregnancy, after birth and during menopause, hair loss as a result of these is likely to be temporary.

The most common causes of hair loss are;

Alopecia, this causes you to lose your hair in patches rather than an all over loss. It is thought that alopecia occurs due to problems with the immune system. The hair will usually grow back after 3 - 6 months.

Androgenetic alopecia, this happens over a period of time usually the hair your lose is from the top of the scalp. This is hereditary and can become more severe after menopause.

Telogen effluvium, this is the most common form and can be bought on by stress, weight loss, surgery or giving birth. This loss is temporary and should start to fade after around 3 - 6 months.

For women hair loss is unwanted, it can make you feel down and it may be extremely noticeable. Even when the hair loss has almost stopped and new hair has started to grow, you can feel self conscious. Where the new hair grows it can often be darker or fluffier than before and this makes it more obvious.

There are treatments available to reduce the amount of hair your lose, choosing the right product is important as you should get the product that best suits your needs.

To prevent losing your hair from occurring you should;

Wash your hair regularly,
Limit the use of products such as hair dye,
Massage scalp weekly,
Do not share brushes or combs,
Allow to dry naturally at least once per week.

Getting stressed about losing your hair can lead to further hair fall, it is hard not to be bothered by the loss of your hair as in some cases the loss can be severe. Try to keep calm and consider going to see a counselor, if this is a possibility, your doctor may be able to refer you to a counselor.

In extreme cases the individual might want to consider a hair transplant, this will involve surgery at least 10 times throughout a lifetime. This option should only be considered if you are suffering with extreme hair loss.

Hair loss for women can be easily dealt with, if you are worried then you should visit your doctor, they will be able to point you in the right direction regarding a suitable treatment. Remember hair loss is very common but in most cases it is usually temporary, if the hair loss has not slowed or stopped after 12 months you should seek further advice from your doctor.

For further information on Hair Loss In Women then please visit my health ezines site for detailed information not only on this disease but many other health related topics.

Read Postpartum Alopecia - Hair Loss After Pregnancy more

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Postpartum alopecia is the condition that causes new mothers to suffer some hair loss after the delivery of their child. It is caused by reduced levels of estrogen in the body.

During pregnancy, estrogen levels are at their highest, leading to increased hair growth. After pregnancy, estrogen levels drop, which causes an increase in the male hormone testosterone, resulting in hair loss. Testosterone is produced in the male testes, and in lesser amounts by the female ovaries.

On average, a human would shed around 50-100 hairs every day. Postpartum aopecia will normally peak around four months after childbirth and within twelve months hair will have been restored back to its normal levels.

At any point in time, roughly ninety percent of your hair is in a growth phase. The rest of the hair is resting and will then fall out at the end of this phase. When you shed your older hairs, new hair grows and take their place. It is after this resting phase that hair loss occurs.

When your hormone levels are elevated, hair growth is above average and will result in less shedding. Once the delivery has occurred, all the hair that would normally have been shed will tend to fall out in one go. The result will be a head of hair that appears thinner than before.

This is quite normal and cannot really be avoided. You can focus on making this postpartum alopecia appear less noticeable. Wearing your hair shorter for example can give the illusion of a fuller head of hair.

Securing the hair during sleep, such as a loose ponytail, will reduce the incidence of friction that causes hair loss.

Satin pillows are great for limiting postpartum hair loss, and at other times as well for that matter. This is because of the reduction in friction that the satin pillow brings. As a matter of fact, it is this friction which will cause your baby to lose hair as they rub their head while lying in the cot.

Hair may be missing from the back of your child's head which is normal and will be a temporary situation.

Other causes of hair loss may include:

Stopping birth control pills, miscarriage or stillbirth, abortion, and a hormonal imbalance.

All of the above relate to fluctuation in estrogen levels, which is the same thing as a hormone imbalance. Remember, increased estrogen means hair growth, while a decrease in this hormone will result in hair loss.


- Eat a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables

- Avoid using hair products that have harsh chemical ingredients.

- Avoid wearing your hair in any style that pulls tightly at your brow.

- Use natural hair shampoos and conditioners that nourish and revitalize your hair.

There is not much you can do to stop postpartum alopecia from occurring. What you can do is take steps to minimize the obvious appearance of this condition as well as treating your hair with tenderness to ensure as little falls out as possible.

Jared Wright is the marketing manager of Clivir.com where people meet to learn from one another on topics such as female hair loss. You can follow the links to find more related articles such as female thinning hair and hair loss in woman.

Postpartum Alopecia - Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Go through Postpartum Alopecia far more

Childbirth can be a stressful time and for some women it can result in a temporary hair loss condition called postpartum alopecia (also known as postnatal alopecia). The condition usually starts around two to three months after childbirth, gradually worsening for up to three months then recovering over the next three months until hair starts to re-grow. Postpartum alopecia is characterized as a general thinning (also known as diffuse thinning) over the whole scalp. This is unlike male pattern hair loss where the hairline recedes and a completely bald patch appears on the top of the scalp. Postpartum Alopecia can affect up to 90% of all mothers and the extent of hair loss can vary considerably from mild to excessive shedding.

Why does it occur?

The exact cause of postpartum alopecia is still not fully understood but it is linked to the hormonal changes that occur during childbirth. During pregnancy there are increased levels of estrogen in the body which keeps the hair in the anagen growing phase resulting in temporarily thicker hair. After childbirth a withdrawal of estrogen switches off the extended growing phase and switches the hair to the catagen shedding phase resulting in the sudden excessive hair loss. It has been suggested that modern lifestyles and poor nutrition are a major factor for postpartum alopecia, but research has shown that these factors do not play a part in this condition.

Can it be treated?

Since postpartum alopecia is a temporary condition where the hair fully recovers there are few effective treatments available. You can consult with you local GP for advice but you will probably be advised that there is nothing to worry about due to it being part of the natural postpartum process. The best that can be done is to try not to exacerbate the condition so that no more hair loss than necessary occurs. To help maintain your hair during this period you should try and avoid hair styles with plaits, pigtails, braids and using tight hair rollers that tend to pull the hair. Also avoid using hot blow dryers and heated hair strengtheners as these can also put excessive stress on the hair. After washing always try to pat the hair dry with a good quality bath towel, hair is always more fragile when wet so try not to rub the hair vigorously.

Eating a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables can also play an important part in trying to maintain the hair. Fruit and vegetables contain flavonoids which are thought to encourage stronger hair growth by strengthening the small blood vessels supplying the hair follicles. Diet supplements are also known to help with hair growth and these can be used to help treat postpartum alopecia. The most effective vitamin supplements are Biotin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Zinc and these are readily available in multivitamin capsules. Finally there are a range of hair loss shampoos that may help to reduce hair loss in some cases but these are not generally guaranteed to help with postpartum alopecia.

The most important thing to remember about postpartum alopecia is try not to worry too much, it is only a temporary condition and it will eventually stop.

Please visit our web site for more information about the causes of alopecia

John Tulley has written many articles on the subject of hair loss treatments and remedies. To read further articles by John Tulley click here: Hair Loss Articles [http://www.alpha7haircare.com/articles/article_directory.htm]. To download a free copy of John Tulleys' brand new e-book, "Hair Loss Treatments: How to Stop Hair Loss and Regrow Your Hair!", click here: www.alpha7haircare.com

Postpartum Alopecia

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Go through Botox For Hair Loss extra

New Hair Loss Treatment with BOTOX

Got more hairs on your comb than on the scalp? It is time to get desperate about good hair loss treatment. Most of the people do try their best method to prevent baldness. Personally, in my experience, there is no surety against hair fall. Ideally there is Rogaine and other gibberish named therapies that have been found to be effective. But still I am little skeptical about the above mentioned treatments.

Here is the news for the people in desperate need for effective hair loss treatment. Botox has been into for anti aging, wrinkle removal, migraine treatment but The recent discovery; (discovery) because it not a study or research but was accidentally discovered by a Dr. Ourian when he treated her mother for migraine to find out that the respective areas of her hair follicles, damaged by the chemotherapy, began to re-grow hairs on the surrounding areas of injection.

I do not know anybody did or not but I did my part of research on this claim of hair loss treatment. Eventfully, I stumbled upon YouTube video for fox news. Do not remember who was the anchor or the host on that show; Point made during that Talk show was more interesting, so i would like to talk about the point here, which would make you think twice before you opt for Botox hair loss treatment. Cutting all the foreplay; I would like to come to the statement given by the expert. These Are only two points to summarize the whole talk show.

This whole Story is based on anecdotal reports (sorry)
It Botox treatment triggers hair growth, you would find Lot of the people with unibrows walking around.

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Botox For Hair Loss

Understand How You Can Deal With Non Scarring Alopecia much more

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Non scarring alopecia is a form of hair loss (alopecia) which is not associated with any inflammation of the skin that shows hair loss. This category of alopecia encompasses all the forms of alopecia that are caused by genetics such as male pattern baldness and alopecia caused by diet or pregnancy. Alopecia caused by nutrient deficiencies, Aids and cancer, all of which do not cause skin inflammations, may also be included in this group. We are going to look at some of the ways in which people can deal with non scarring alopecia.

Alopecia that is caused by genetic inheritance such as male pattern baldness can easily be treated by drugs such as finasteride, Revivogen and some hair loss shampoos. Finasteride acts against the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. DHT is the compound that causes hair follicles to shrink thus causing some of them to die off resulting in hair thinning and eventual balding. DHT normally accumulates over the vertex and frontal part of the scalp thus the reason for the distinguishable male pattern baldness.

In the case of women, androgens can also cause hair loss, especially after pregnancy or when using some contraceptives. The ideal move will be to stop using the contraceptives and start to use hair treatment drugs such as minoxidil or Rogaine shampoo. This drug acts as a vasodilator as it dilates blood vessels that supply hair follicles thus increasing blood supply to hair follicles. This will boost hair growth as more nutrients and oxygen will be reaching active hair follicles.

In the case of alopecia caused by deficiencies of the diet, patients can be put under some controlled diet regime followed by vitamin and mineral supplements. Such patients will be encouraged to go on a diet that is rich in protein, low on carbohydrates and fats. Sea food will be the most ideal as it is rich in proteins, essential amino acids and vitamins which are required in hair follicle development and hair growth. Multi vitamin tablets and syrups can also be taken. It is however advisable to take vitamins under the direction of a doctor as excess vitamin intake can cause vitamin toxicity which will result in further hair loss.

In the case of alopecia caused by disease, drugs such as minoxidil and hair treatment drugs that contain ketoconazole. These two drugs can be combined as the two can work hand in hand. The minoxidil will boost hair growth by increasing the amount of fuel and oxygen reaching hair follicles, while the ketoconazole eliminates pathogens that want to take opportunity of a weakened immune system and cause hair loss. Another good way to treat this kind of alopecia that is caused by disease will be to use herbs. Herbs are very safe to use as they are different from drugs which have many side effects. Herbs are good at treating hair loss in the presence of a disease as some of the herbs can eliminate the toxins that are released by the pathogens causing disease.

Are you looking for the best Non Scarring Alopecia? Visit http://www.baldness-prevention.com today for more information!

How You Can Deal With Non Scarring Alopecia

Examine Do Prenatal Vitamins for Hair Growth Really Work? extra

Many women believe that prenatal vitamins are good for hair growth. This is because many pregnant women, who were taking prenatal vitamins, have observed a significant increase in their hair growth and thickness.

Still, many people who face hair loss ask "are prenatal vitamins good for hair growth". According to a number of studies, these vitamins do have positive effects on hair growing process. Prenatal vitamins contain lots of folic acid, iron and calcium. A few studies have found that folic acid helps hair growth because it helps in the creation of new cells. Calcium is very important for maintaining a healthy scalp. Iron helps the body create new blood that will carry nutrients and oxygen to the scalp.

While pregnant women do notice changes in hair condition - faster growth, fuller and thicker hair - experts believe that this is because of pregnancy hormones, rather than the prenatal vitamins.

They say that estrogen is produced in big quantities in pregnant women. These high levels act as a contributing environment for hair growth. What happens is that hair gets locked in the growing phase, and as a result it grows faster and longer.

Every hair follicle goes through three phases in the hair growth cycle: growing, resting and shedding. Right now, approximately 90 percent of your hair follicles are in the growing phase which can last between 2 to 6 years. This means that if you have a 6 year growing phase, you hair will be longer than in a person who has a 2 year growing phase.

What happens during pregnancy is that because of the hormone rush, even hair that is about to fall out gets locked in the growing phase. As a result, hair looks longer and thicker.

So, is there a link between prenatal vitamins and hair growth? Most likely no!

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Here are top quality hair growing products [http://www.hairgrowingproducts.org] that constantly produce fantastic results. The results are almost like science fiction. Also, use these hair styles secrets and you wont believe what you will see in the mirror. You will have hair that will make people turn their heads every time you walk into a room!

Do Prenatal Vitamins for Hair Growth Really Work?

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Read Hair Loss - What Is Telogen Effluvium? extra

Hair Loss - What Is Telogen Effluvium?

Hair Loss

Hair loss takes upon many different forms. One of the most common forms is known as Telogen Effluvium. You may stop and ask: "What is this condition called Telogen Effluvium?". In this condition, there is a widespread shedding of hair around the scalp and other parts of the body.

Telogen Effluvium is caused by many different things. In usual cases, it is due to a reaction to intense stress or medication. Both the physical system and the hormonal system can be under a lot of stress. Stress is never a good thing. We should learn to relax and calm our mind and body.

The condition takes time to develop. In mild cases there is a general thinning of hair. The hair is not as dense and a lot weaker. The condition affects both men and women and it can affect people of all ages. Both young and old can be affected.

Telogen Effluvium lasts for roughly six months. In the rare case, the condition can last for years. If it lasts for years, it is said to be a chronic problem and special help from specialised doctors should be sought out.

Fortunately, in most cases it gets better with time. The problem is closely related to the growth cycles of hair.

Growth cycles of hair alternate between two different phases. The first phase lasts for roughly three years. This first phase is the growth phase and has a special name called anagen. During these three years the hair grows out from the hair follicle.

The second phase lasts for a lot shorter time. This phase is called telogen and it is where the hair is in its resting phase. While the hair is resting, it is waiting for the new hair which is sprouting up under it, to push it out of the hair follicle. Essentially the new hair which is in anagen pushes out the old hair and replaces it.

The life of the hair follicles alternate between the two phases. Old hair is replaced by new. Studies have shown that roughly 15 per cent of the hair on a person's head is telogen. When the body's systems don't function properly, there is a larger amount of hair in telogen.

In conclusion, many people experience the condition called telogen effluvium at least one point in their lives. It is normally at a time when the body is under a lot of stress. Illness can also be the cause.

Learn more about this issue here: http://egglets.com/news/2010/08/09/id-5603/stop-your-hair-loss-loss-of-hair-in-women/

Read through Genetic Hair Loss in Women far more

Androgenetic alopecia is most often seen in men however a large proportion of women will also suffer from the condition. Approximately 1 in 5 women will experience hair loss as a result of their genetic make-up.

The average woman will lose about 100 hairs a day. This is perfectly normal and will not create any noticeable difference. Female pattern hair loss occurs when an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase converts a woman's testosterone into a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is very powerful and will inhibit the hair follicles by slowing down growth of new hair and eventually blocking all growth. This is when bald patches will appear. Once the condition has got this far, it is irreversible.

The pattern of genetic hair loss in women is different to that of male pattern baldness. Men will typically see a receding hairline, losing hair on the top of the head first. Women will usually experience 'diffused thinning' generally throughout the top of the head.

The condition will usually begin in the 30s although some women will see signs in their 20s. The thinning most often becomes noticeable around the age of 40 and the menopause can make the hair loss more obvious. By the age of 50, 50% of women will suffer from female pattern hair loss or other conditions such as telogen effluvium or diffuse thinning.

If a woman notices thinning hair, it is important to get an accurate diagnosis from a doctor or hair specialist. While some GPs have good knowledge of how to treat hair loss, others are limited in what they know, so it always worth seeing a hair specialist.

There is only one treatment that has been proven to work for tackling hair loss in women. Minoxidil was first licensed in 1988 by the FDA. Originally the drug was prescribed to treat high blood pressure however users were more impressed by the hair growth they experienced as a result of taking the medication.

Minoxidil can be prepared in various strengths and can be combined with hair growth boosters to create an individualized treatment programme. Again, it is best to get expert advice to see optimum results as quickly as possible.

As will male pattern baldness, the earlier that female pattern hair loss is treated, the better the chances of seeing good re-growth. Always research any company you choose to visit for treatment. Ask questions so you feel 100% comfortable with the treatment. Reputable companies will have genuine 'before' and 'after' photos of their clients you can view as well as client recommendations.

Hair Loss

Sophie is one of the Belgravia Hair Loss Blog's expert authors. The Belgravia Centre is a hair loss clinic and pharmacy in the UK and home to one of the world's leading hair loss websites and blogs - http://www.belgraviacentre.com/.

Genetic Hair Loss in Women

Understand Hair Loss in Women - Causes extra

While it is almost expected that most men will experience some hair loss, it is commonly believed that women are not supposed to lose their hair - their crowning glory. Most women who suffer are confused and embarrassed when it happens to them. One in two women experience some degree of thinning in their lifetimes and is therefore much more common than most people think.

Women's Hair Loss Philosophy
The good news for women is that, unlike for men, a large percentage of women's hair loss is reversible. However, diagnosing female hair loss is more complicated than for male pattern baldness. The underlying causes should be examined and tested for by your family physician to accurately diagnose.

Women seldom become bald in the way men experience balding. Rather, women commonly experience overall thinning and miniaturized shafts on the top of their heads as they age. At around age 40 or at the onset of menopause is most often when women notice a significant change in their hair quality.

For most women, thinning is hormonally related. It may be the after effects of menopause or pregnancy or an overactive thyroid, but there is usually an identifiable reason why women experience thinning. Identifying what that reason is and evaluating your options is your first step in dealing with it.

Symptoms of Female hair loss:
1. Thinning over the entire head.
2. Mild to moderate loss at the crown or hairline.

The most common baldness in women is called female pattern alopecia, and can come either the mother's or father's side of the family. Female pattern alopecia affects approximately one-third of all susceptible women, but is most commonly seen after menopause and is caused by a decrease in estrogen levels. Various forms of estrogen can "oppose" androgens and thereby reduce their availability to the cell, by blocking androgen receptors. A woman who notices miniaturization may not be sure if the loss is going to be temporary or permanent - for example, if there has been a recent event such as pregnancy or illness that may be associated with temporary thinning.

Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Here is a list of some of the most common causes for hair loss in women (in no particular order):

#1. DHT: In both women and men, the most common reason for thinning hair is thought to be an accumulation of DHT (dehydrotestosterone) at the root bulb of the hair follicle. The ultimate result is a shorter life cycle of hair leading to miniaturization and eventually shedding.

#2. Hereditary/Genetic: Commonly known as Androgenetic Alopecia, hereditary balding is more common in men than in women. While it can occur in women, most female hair loss is caused by other factors.

#3. Hormonal changes/imbalance: Over/under active thyroid glands and imbalanced estrogen levels can contribute to hair loss.

#4. Pregnancy: 2 to 3 months after pregnancy women often experience significant amounts of thinning.

#5. Drugs/Medications: Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy can result in sudden loss as the growth phase of hair is suddenly stopped. Birth control pills, arthritis medications, blood thinners, certain drugs for ulcers and antidepressants can also cause weakening of follicles.

#6. Physical trauma: Aggressive toweling, rough combing when wet, extreme scalp massage or pulling causes hair to grow back finer and lead to permanent death of follicles.

#7. Intense stress: Usually temporary in nature, extreme physical or emotional stress can induce a period of shedding.

#8. Hair products/chemicals: Perms, hair coloring, ponytails, tight braids, hot oil treatments chlorine in swimming pools, too much sunlight and excessive shampooing can all lead to weakened follicles.

#9. Poor Blood Circulation: insufficient nutrients reaching follicles through the blood stream.

#10. Imbalanced Diet: While not usually a direct cause, too little protein or iron can lead to shedding. Strenuous dieting can lead to hair loss especially if you have thinning hair to begin with.

While correctly diagnosing the cause is a key aspect of treatment, the timing of the treatment program is also important. In almost all cases, the earlier treatment begins, the better the result.

Hair Loss

[http://www.kivoclinic.com] - Hair Loss Winnipeg, Hair Loss Women, Hair Loss Men

Hair Loss in Women - Causes

Hair Loss

Read through Hair Loss - Alopecia - Pregnancy far more

During the normal course of our daily life we all lose hair every day, this is a normal cycle. But when we are afflicted with excess hair loss it can be emotionally impacting.

Over 62 million people in the U.S. deal with abnormal hair loss, formally called (alopecia). As a professional stylist and educator I am usually the first to notice and diagnose the problem. The medical community does not seem to recognize hair loss as a medical condition, but the stress and fear felt by those who suffer is very real.

Pregnancy all too often a culprit in "postpartum alopecia" is usually caused by hormonal fluctuations and can vary from minimal hair loss to large patches of hair falling out up to 9 months after delivery. Some women experience little or no change, it varies by individual. The good news is, I have found and used numerous solutions to get my clients through these tough times.

Hair loss is particularly devastating to women, they want to hide it from everyone, and let's face it we all want and need to feel good about ourselves.
I particularly recall a client who suffered such devastating hair loss with each of her three (yes, three) pregnancies, she was a lovely, upbeat women, but as soon as she delivered her babies the trauma would begin.

As a professional and a mom myself I felt her pain, I immediately compiled a fix-it plan for her hair. First I recommended a combination of hair extensions that I strategically placed throughout her scalp with a subtle variety of tones to look naturally hilted. Then I selected a group of "clip-on" extensions she could throw in at home anytime. These work great! They are available in all lengths, colors and even pre-curled or set. With these tools a great base hair color and regular visits her hair solely recovered each time. The right professional products also have a great deal of effect on a quick recovery for hair loss.

Hair loss is caused by a number of reasons, another client went through chemo while she was pregnant, and needless to say she suffered severe hair loss. This is a common situation I have encountered and have had great success helping my clients look good and feel better. Along with fabulous extensions of many types, colors, textures, and brands there are beautiful wigs in a ton of gorgeous styles available to everyone. Don't be afraid to ask your professional salon for recommendations, you deserve to look great and there are a number of solutions out there and remember hair loss after pregnancy is usually temporary.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Visit http://www.maternitysalon.com for more information

Hair Loss - Alopecia - Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Understand Hair Loss in Women - Postpartum Hair Loss extra

Most people have the conception that genetic hair loss like Pattern Baldness is exclusively targeted at men only. So you think that if you are a woman you are safe from this wrath of God? Think again.

Although almost 40% of men will start to face with some receding hairline by their early 20s and 30s, there are a lot of hair loss conditions that can specifically affect women. Male Pattern Baldness is caused by the accumulation of Dihydro-Testosterone (DHT) at the hair follicles, causing shrinkage and reducing the hair growth cycle. DHT is an advanced male hormone formed with another lower level male hormone, Testosterone that binds with the enzyme 5 Alpha Reductase. The combination of these two creates DHT, which are also important for male characteristics. Needless to say, DHT is also present in females, but in much small quantities.

One of the main protection women has against Pattern Baldness generated by DHT is the female hormone Estrogen. This hormone primarily found in females, acts a barrier to block creation and the domination of DHT. It is also responsible for beautiful and thick hair found in most women. However, during some events in your life, these hormones can be unstable or reduced significantly allowing exposure of the hair follicles to DHT. As you are much more sensitive to the effects of DHT, your hair loss condition might accelerate faster than men.

One of the most common hair loss conditions that exclusively affect women is

Postpartum Hair Loss

Usually during pregnancy, your hormones level will fluctuate to adjust with the new baby. Your body will produce extra hormone Estrogen during this period. As Estrogen nourishes hair, expect your hair to look radiant and better during pregnancy. Estrogen also prolongs your hair growing phase, also known as the ANAGEN phase, thus reducing normal hair loss throughout this time frame.

However, after giving birth, your Estrogen levels will usually tumble below normal levels for a short period. This condition is totally normal because after birth, your body is exhausted and needs to shut down to recuperate. With low levels of Estrogen coupled with post pregnancy Stress, your hair will usually look pale and lifeless. In some more severe cases, you might experience a period of heavy hair shedding occurring 3 months after pregnancy. This is normal due the drop of your hormone levels and additional stress pushes more of the hair follicles to the resting phase (TELOGEN). This condition can sometimes be known as Telogen Effluvium.

However, it's safe to say that this condition is usually temporary and you can expect your hair to grow back to normal pace after 6 months. So if you are facing which such condition, do not panic as it happens to a huge percentage of other new mothers too.

If you are looking for alternatives to instantly improve your condition, you can always try

Hair concealers

Hair concealers like Toppik and Couvre can temporary provide cover for your balding area. It's effective and usually mess free.

Cutting your hair short

By cutting your hair short, you can reduce the appearance of hair loss and thinning hair by focusing more on your facial characteristics.

Taking vitamin B supplements

Vitamin B Complex that contains Biotin and B12 are essential for healthy looking hair.

Volumizing shampoos

Shampoos that contain volumizing effects like Wheat Grain Protein and Soya Protein can increase your hair's volume.

Wearing caps and scarves

One of the best solution for you if you are facing with Postpartum Hair Loss, just grab a cap and go out!

All these remedies can provide you with a temporary relieve of your hair loss condition. As your hair should grow back over time, there is no need to look for drastic measures like medical treatments or considering a hair transplant. Just keep cool and relax, as stress itself can further affect your condition.

If you are looking for answers and solutions to hair loss problems related to women, please feel free to seek it out from my Hair Loss in Women page.

http://www.surviving-hairloss.com - All the information you will need regarding your hair loss condition

Hair Loss in Women - Postpartum Hair Loss

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Examine Hair Loss Treatments That Really Work extra

Hair Loss Treatments That Really Work

Hair Loss

Hair loss treatments and remedies that really work are rare but they exist. There are so many different hair loss solutions out there that finding a good solution becomes an overwhelming task.

Since hair loss is such a common problem in men but also in women, many take advantage of this by selling useless or ineffective products to desperate people. There is no cure to hair loss yet, it can only be treated. Many different people and companies offer many different solutions to hair loss. There is too much misleading information out there about what works and what not.

Fact is that there are currently only two FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) approved hair loss treatments available. The one is Propecia with its active ingredient Finasteride. The other one is Rogaine with Minoxidil. FDA approved means that these products have a proven track record of being successful to some degree in treating hair loss. These two products have been clinically tested and the results are well documented.

Finasteride was originally approved as a treatment for prostate enlargement but it has been found out later that it also helps to fight hair loss or male pattern baldness in men. Propecia works in men only. Propecia works because it can reduce the DHT levels in the scalp. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is an androgen which is produced by the conversion of testosterone. DHT is the main reason why men loose hair because it causes the hair follicles to shrink and to produce less and thinner hair. Then they stop to produce hair at all.

Minoxidil is the other FDA approved ingredient which is sold under the brand name Rogaine. Rogaine is also for women and is applied topically to your scalp twice a day. It's reported that Rogaine is better for hair growth and regrowth than Propecia, while Propecia is better in stopping hair loss and maintain the hair you have. Many men therefore prefer to use both drugs, first to stop the hair loss and then to regrowth hair.

Minoxidil does not work like Propecia as it doesn't affect the DHT levels. Minoxidil works by stimulating the hair follicles to produce larger and thicker hair again. Minoxidil should work therefore well in areas of thin or miniaturized hairs.

The side effects are rare but they happen. With Minoxidil a small percentage (6%) of users report scalp itching which can be removed by washing Minoxidil out of the hair. Propecia side effects happen in about 2% of men. The side effects are a decreased libido, problems in getting an erection and less semen production. These side effects can be reduced by reducing the dosage of Propecia. If Propecia is stopped, the side effects disappear.

Jake D. Darren is a hair loss expert and provides detailed information on hair loss treatments and hair loss at his web site http://www.Stop-Hairloss.biz/

Study Postpartum Hair Loss - How To Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy a lot more

Postpartum hair loss is what is commonly known as post pregnancy hair loss which this can last from six to twelve months after childbirth. There are several things you can do to Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy.

Have your doctor check you out to ensure that you are no longer experiencing hormonal imbalance. If the hormonal imbalances continues after childbirth, you might be experiencing other types of medical conditions which could have occurred during pregnancy and extend thereafter like thyroid disorder in pregnancy.

If you are given a clean bill of health, you should start on a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables high in antioxidants, helping you to enhance hair growth and strengthening the follicles.

Intake of the right amount of supplements in terms of vitamins and minerals is an important part of the regimen. You may wish to continue taking prenatal vitamins as the chemical components of zinc, vitamin H, silica and calcium can help enhance hair growth. Fish oils containing omega, flaxseed oil, avocados and nuts can also help with the hair growth.

Scalp acupuncture and massage is also effective in stimulating the blood flow through the scalp and hair follicles. You may do the massage yourself or us a bristle brush. Be careful not to rip the remaining amounts of your hair.

Create a soothing, safe, healthy and happy environment at home to avoid emotional trauma and postnatal depression as this will give rise to more stress and hence intensify your postpartum hair loss.

As you trying to coax new hair to grow, never use harsh chemicals on your hair or scalp and this include thick moisturizing creams, harsh shampoos, hair coloring and highlights etc. Avoid using strong hair dryers, heated curlers just in case you might further aggravate hair loss.

While you may not be able to totally stop hair loss after pregnancy, there are some things you can do to camouflage it. Trying different hair styles or going for a shorter crop enables easy hair management and can in fact stimulate hair growth to a certain extent. You might wan to use headbands which can easily cover up certain areas, especially along the hairline or higher.

Always remember, post pregnancy hair loss is temporary and you will have a full-grown head of crowning glory again very soon, especially if you do not fuss over it every moment of the time. Anxiety and stress can affect it growth too.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy
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Postpartum Hair Loss - How To Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Understand The Phenomenon of Female Hair Loss After Pregnancy more

The hormones associated with pregnancy are one of the primary causes of female hair loss! Postpartum hair loss affects almost everyone, but the thinning hair is visibly noticeable in approximately 10% of all new moms. Several hair restoration treatments are available to help these unfortunate new mothers regain their confidence and good looks, so they can stop worrying about their hair and enjoy their new baby.

Why Postpartum Hair Loss Occurs

Known technically as 'Telogen Effluvium', is caused by the hormonal changes and the stress experienced with being a new parent. The all but ten percent of the hairs on your head sit in a state of growth for approximately 2-3 years.

During this stage, called the anagen phase, each strand grows approximately a half inch each month. At any given time, other ten percent of your hair is resting. The resting hairs, said to be in the telogen phase, are the ones you find on your pillow and in your hairbrush.

When you become pregnant, your hair becomes thick, shiny and full. This is due to the increased estrogen levels in your body that keep your hair in the growing phase. Once you give birth, your estrogen levels return to normal and this sends more than half of your hair into the resting phase causing 60% of your hair to fall out in the 2-3 months following the birth. This causes some hair thinning, but some suffer extreme female hair loss.

Hair Restoration for Thinning Hair

Many new moms think hair restoration after giving birth is impossible because they are nursing the baby. This isn't true and you don't have to resort to surgery either. Hair restoration drugs like Rogaine and Minoxidil are available to cure thinning hair. Synthetic and 100% human hair extensions can provide you with immediate results. They look and feel the same as your real hair and you can style them just as easily.

Low-level laser light therapy cures female hair loss by using a light to increase the nutrients and oils. This improves the quality and amount of the hair production. If the thinning hair is severe and you are in dire need of immediate results, you can have a professional hairpiece made that looks and feels real.

Taking vitamin supplements can do wonder for mild to moderate hair loss. The nutrients that you want to focus on include proteins, Vitamin E, and Vitamin B3. Keratin and Vitamin A are also helpful. Reducing your stress and getting adequate sleep and hydration is helpful as well.

Female hair loss after pregnancy can be devastating. They not only must you deal with the stresses of being a new parent, but also with a new figure and changing hormones in addition to thinning hair! Thankfully, hair restoration methods are available to you to get you looking and feeling your best.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy
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The Phenomenon of Female Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Go through Which is the Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women? extra

Hair loss is a common phenomenon that occurs in with men and women. However, it is more traumatic for women because, somehow, a woman without hair is totally unacceptable, both to herself and to others. This is why women become almost paranoid about losing their hair and will go to great lengths to protect their manes from thinning.

The hair loss treatment for women is often ineffective unless the root cause of the problem can be diagnosed from the very beginning. This is why it is extremely important that the cause is determined first.

Causes of Hair Loss

In women it can be caused by many factors. Some of these factors are well researched by the medical field, but some remain a mystery. The right treatment for women can be identified only after the correct diagnosis of the causes of the problem have been determined. A few factors are listed below.

Many times women find their hair falling out in patches (even the hair of the eyebrows and eyelashes) due to an autoimmune disorder. This is called alopecia areata and it can occur continuously or in irregular episodes.

Another common reason for hair loss in women is stressed hair. When the hair is braided tightly for a long period of time, the follicles of the hair become loose and ultimately fall off. This type of problem is called traction alopecia, and does not affect any facial hair, as does alopecia areata.

Next, when women enter the pre- or post- menopausal stage, there are sudden hormonal imbalances in the body, often causing acute loss of hair. This type can also be caused by side effects of certain drugs or treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.

Finally, sometimes the hair will fall out from around the temples. The cause of this is not known, but the name of the condition is triangular alopecia because of the typical shape of the scalp following this type of hair thinning.

Identifying the Right Treatment for Women

The field of hair loss treatment for women consists of many modern (and sometimes not so modern) techniques. The treatment can involve surgical hair replacement, although this is a very painful and expensive process. In a case where there is severe stress in the life of the women, then the stress has to be addressed first, otherwise the treatment will not have the desired results.

The right hair loss treatment for women can only be based on the correct diagnosis. Hence, the most important aspect for the correct treatment will be to identify the root cause.

Hair Loss
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Which is the Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women?