During pregnancy a woman's body undergoes loads of changes, which mainly include extra weight gain and hormonal changes. According to nutritionists, for at least first three months of post pregnancy a woman should concentrate on eating healthy food instead of "weight loss". Reason being, the new born is completely dependent on the mother's milk; as a result there is nutrient depletion from the mothers body which will lead to other complications later like osteoporosis, if not taken care of in this phase. Many side effects are seen due to pregnancy, which can be taken care through proper diets. Some of those side effects include hair loss, stretch marks, and changes in the shape of the breasts. Along with physical changes a woman also undergoes a lot of emotional and psychological changes like change in sleeping pattern, getting emotionally attached to the new born. Managing household chores along with taking care of the needs of the newborn turns out to the toughest work for a woman post pregnancy.
Due to these changes in the surroundings, many women face the problem of insomnia, which further precipitates as frustration and stress. Excessive stress can lead to lack of breast milk production. Therefore, it is very important to provide the mother and the newborn child a stress free environment. This also helps the body to recover faster. After the first three months pass by, one should consult a dietitian to lose excessive weight, in a healthy way without crash dieting.
Tips to be followed in first three months of post pregnancy period
Eat healthy and give time to your body to recover.
Exercise in moderation to help the metabolism to function optimally.
Exclusive Breast feeding is the best way to regain the pre pregnancy weight and shape.
Concentrate on more of protein, vitamin and mineral rich food instead of calorie dense food.
Do not heed to the myths linked to breast-feeding; like having excess fatty foods leads to good breast milk production etc.
For more information on Post pregnancy diets and Weight Loss Diets please visit Nutrition Consultants.