Pregnancy Hair Loss
Hair Loss After PregnancyThere are about 90% of women who undergo hair loss due to pregnancy. The hair that enters the resting phase every 2 to 3 months makes way for new hair to grow.
Pregnancy is a major cause of female hair loss as it is followed by excessive shedding of hair which is known as telogen effluvium. It takes place every one to 5 months and affects about 40% to 50% of the female population although it is a temporary change.
If you want to know whether there is abnormal loss of hair during pregnancy, you must know that pregnancy is not a direct cause of female hair loss. The loss of hair takes place post delivery, when the majority of hairs enter the resting phase which is a normal part of the cycle of losing your hair.
This is not a serious condition and does not result in bald patches or hair fall permanently. The effectiveness begins to materialize 3 to 4 months post delivery. If you are experiencing unusual loss of hair during pregnancy, it may be out of a mineral or vitamin deficiency.
Hair Loss and Pregnancy
There is no doubt that pregnancy is a cause of female hair loss, although the common period of loss takes place 3 months following delivery.
You do not lose hair during pregnancy due to the rising hormonal levels, and after delivery, once the levels return to their normal states the hair starts falling out and returns to their usual cycle. Thus, the delay in the normal loss of hair, leads to immediate hair fall.
As much as 60% of your hair that grows in its normal state may enter the telogen resting state, with the loss of hair peaking at 3 to 4 months post delivery, when the follicles start rejuvenating themselves. This is temporary a phase and the hair grows back within a period of 6 to 12 months.
Can Other Reproductive Causes Trigger Hair Loss
The cause of female hair loss is not just pregnancy as it can result from anything that includes a variation in the estrogen balance in your system. The reproductive causes that can lead to loss of hair include the following:
Discontinuation of birth control pills, or hormonal birth control methods
Still born delivery or miscarriage
Hormonal imbalance
Does Pregnancy Affect your Hair Positively?
Pregnancy increases levels of estrogen which allows the hair to remain in the growing phase and thus hair growth is stimulated. Hence, during pregnancy, you should expect a full growth of hair. Here are a few recommendations to combat the cause of female hair loss:
To maintain healthy hair growth after pregnancy, consult your obstetrician for ensuring appropriate hormonal balance
Avoid corn rows, pigtails, braids, hair weaves and tight rollers that pull and stress the hair
Consume a diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables to combat the cause of female hair loss. The ideal diet should contain anti oxidants and flavonoids for ensuring that the follicles are protected and that hair growth is encouraged
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