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One of the necessary nutrients required by the human body is Iron. This nutrient helps in increasing the number of hemoglobin-containing red blood cells, which in turn, transports oxygen from the lungs to the entire body. This nutrient stored in our bones, liver and muscles are tapped in order to create hemoglobin cells every 120 days.

Shortage of this nutrient in our body has three possible causes: blood loss, lack of iron absorption by the body and decreased iron intake. Having low levels of this nutrient could lead to different ailments such as iron deficiency anemia and hair balding. These two ailments are in connection with each other for the progression of the latter is triggered by the presence of the former.

Regarding blood loss, the most common reasons for the insufficiency of this nutrient are the following:

• Digestive tract bleeding, frequently caused by inflammation of the stomach (gastritis) and ulcers.

• Pregnancy. Anemia or hair loss in women, results from blood loss during and after birth.

• Menstruation. Menorrhagia or excessive heavy periods may result to iron deficiency anemia, particularly when linked to other factors, like inadequate intake of iron.

• Acute injuries

Medicines that reduce stomach acids, lack of stomach acids, chronic diarrhea, and gastrectomy or the partial removal of the stomach or the intestines causes decreased absorption of iron in the body. Certain foods that decrease absorption of this nutrient into the blood stream include coffee, black or pekoe teas, split peas, soybeans, dried beans and brans. To completely absorb this nutrient into your blood stream, consuming Vitamin C when supplementing your diet with iron can truly help.

On the other hand, if your intake of this nutrient is not enough, eating iron-rich foods can help you sustain this nutrient into your body. Food sources that are rich in iron comprise of steamed clams, lean read meat, dried fruit, wheat cream, soybeans, tofu, broccoli, spinach and raisins.

The amount of Ferritin in the blood is a sensitive way to check the stored iron in the body. Ferritin is a protein that serves as storage this nutrient in the body. It is suggested, that a body that has less stored iron has less Ferritin present in the blood.

Iron supplements and the amino acid lysine, can also help prevent iron deficiency. Aside from iron shortage, lysine has also an important role in preventing hair baldness. The recommended daily allowance or RDA for iron in men is 18 mg and 15 mg for women. Adequate iron consumption can help reduce hair loss, thus, promoting good blood circulation.

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

At this point in time that you have learned a little bit of information regarding Iron deficiency hair loss, are you still interested to know more about this matter? Visit this site on anti hair thinning medications. You will be able to diminish the progression of hair balding by the numerous products and treatments offered by this site.

How Does Iron Deficiency Lead To Hair Loss?