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Do Women Suffer Hair Loss During Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

It is very uncommon for women to suffer hair loss during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, a woman often experience growth spurts in her body including the hair. At one point or another, a woman will notice that her hair is shinier and thicker during pregnancy than at any other time. However, in very rare cases, a pregnant woman may suffer hair loss. In these rare cases, hair loss may be severe and would occur in round or oval patches. If this happens, consult your doctor immediately as this be a sign that you are suffering vitamin or mineral deficiency. Vitamin or mineral deficiency in pregnant women should always be addresses immediately as this may cause some side effects on both the woman and the baby.

Where hair loss is very rare in pregnant women, it can be very common after childbirth. In most cases, after a woman give birth, a large number of follicles shed hair at once causing a rather alarming rate of hair loss. Excessive hair loss in women who have just given birth could be really unsettling and should not be ignored by people close to her. Although excessive hair loss after giving birth is normal, women who have just given birth are often very sensitive and emotional; thus, the horror of going bald could be so real and frightening to them. It is best to deal with the situation gently and with great understanding. Keep in mind that pregnancy and childbirth are very taxing events on women, often leaving her very tired and distressed.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of []. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hair loss during pregnancy [].