Study Hair Loss - How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help much more
Hair Loss - How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help
Hair LossThere are many problems both men and women face that we don't know are caused by the change of hormone level in the body. This is because the problems seem so typical and ordinary that we disregard considering hormone imbalance as one of the possible causes. Among problems that may be caused by hormone imbalance or deficiency, is hair loss or thinning of hair. Later on in this article, we will be able to learn of the possible treatment on hair loss.
When we talk of baldness, it is hair on the head that we are concerned with here. There are several types of hair loss: baldness or loss of hair (alopecia), thinning of all scalp hair (alopecia totalis), and hair falling out in patches (alopecia areata). Another type of hair loss is localized and caused by scarring.
Common causes of these conditions are hormonal imbalance, heredity, aging, local or systemic disease. Hair loss in women most often occurs after menopause. Some women lose some hair two to three months after childbirth. This is because of the hormonal change during this phase that leads to losing hair. But this process is reversed in 6 months.
The body makes hormones from different building blocks. Some hormones are proteins made from building blocks of amino acids. The thyroid hormones are made from a single amino acid. Other hormones are made from several amino acids and some very large hormones such as growth hormone, are made up of hundreds of amino acids. Some hormones are not proteins but fats. They are made from a fatty molecule called cholesterol. These hormones are called steroid hormones and include estrogen, testosterone and cortisol to name a few.
When you experience thinning hair, it might be a sign of adult onset hormone deficiency. Other signs of this type of deficiency include loss of vigor and stamina, memory loss, loss of sexual powers and libido and increased fat tissue accumulation. Hormone deficiency can be treated by restoring hormones to the body, either natural or bio-identical. This type of replacement process is called Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT).
Common improvements in health resulting from HRT and BHRT are the following: decrease in fat tissue, increase in bone density, improved hair texture, increased energy and emotional stability to name a few.
Hormones are sometimes called messengers produced by the endocrine glands. These are sent all over the body to fuel particular actions. Examples of such activities are growth, reproduction and digestion. The activities mentioned are highly dependent on hormones to work properly. People with hair loss problems can choose from either Hormone Replacement Therapy or Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy to promote hair growth again.
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Study 8 Ways to Minimize Hair Loss After Pregnancy extra
8 Ways to Minimize Hair Loss After Pregnancy
Hair Loss After PregnancyOnly women who have actually experienced pregnancy can understand how much their bodies, hormones, and systems changed in preparation for giving birth. It only makes sense that after the baby is born, these systems need to change back to the way they were pre-pregnancy. Hormone levels decrease, your body starts resuming its previous shape, and things that were put on hold while you were pregnant get back to normal operation. This includes your hair. While you were pregnant you may have noticed that it got thicker and even changed to a richer color. It was definitely affected by the hormonal changes in that it didn't fall out on a regular basis like it does in its non-pregnancy state. Inevitably, about 75% of women who give birth will notice hair loss about 3-4 months later.
All hair goes through stages. It starts by growing in and then experiences a lengthy "resting" phase. Most women lose hair at the rate of 30 to 100 strands per day. About 7 years after a hair shaft started to grow, it falls out, making room for a new, healthy hair. This process continues throughout your life. Pregnancy, however, disrupts the normal flow of things. While you were carrying your baby, very little of your hair fell out. The normal cycle didn't exist any longer. However, your body remembers what was supposed to have taken place, so after you have the baby, it causes all of the hairs that should have fallen out during the 9-month gestation period to exit your scalp.
The good news is that your hair will grow back in and resume the same thickness as it had pre-pregnancy. What some women don't like is having to look somewhat like a picked chicken until it can do that. If you are one of these women and you dread the thought of not looking your best, there are a few things you can do to minimize the hair loss. Some of these tricks include:
1. Brush and comb your hair extra-gently following pregnancy, because the hair is particularly delicate at that point.
2. Eat a nutritious diet that you've worked out with your physician. After all, you don't want to save your hair at the expense of the baby you're breast-feeding.
3. Lightly massage your hair with oil.
4. Refrain from putting your hair into tight hairdos, such as pony tails and braids, which can loosen the strands from the follicles.
5. Use a wide-toothed comb when your hair is wet.
6. Don't use your dryers and curling irons during this period of time.
7. Buy herbal shampoos and conditioners which will be more gentle on your hair.
8. A shorter hairstyle will grow back in more quickly.
For more tips and information on vitamins for hair growth? Get tips, articles and advice on female hair loss here: Causes of Hair Loss.
Understand What Causes Hair Loss additional
If you're wondering what causes hair loss, it's important to understand that the answer to this question is hard to find. There are many reasons for hair loss to happen. The most common causes for hair loss are medication, radiation and chemotherapy and even nutritional factors or stress.
So here we go, in random order; what causes hair loss:
#1 Genetics aka "Runs in the family"
You can inherit the genes that causes hair loss. There is not much you can do about it. However, it's not said that you actually will inherit these bad genes. You may end up being lucky and see your brother or sister lose hair while it doesn't happen to you. It may even skip a generation and show up again with your children.
#2 Auto-Immune Disorder
One of the most common forms of hair loss is caused by an auto-Immune disorder called Alopecia Areata. This is a disease that causes the white blood cells to attack the hair follicles. The result is a temporary loss of hair.
#3 Hormonal changes
Hormones are responsible for both growing and losing hair. Therefore it's obvious that hormonal changes can cause hair loss. This is the most common cause of thinning and affects both men and women.
#4 Childbirth
Within 8 to 12 weeks after giving birth, a lot of women will start to lose quite an amount of hair. Although this situation can last an alarming and frustrating 6 to 7 months, it's good to know that in most cases everything will turn out just fine. All it takes is the women's body to recover from 9 months of pregnancy.
#5 Prescription Medications
A growing number of reports warn for prescription drugs to cause hair loss. These are "every day" drugs, used to fight common diseases and illnesses like low cholesterol, high blood pressure, Parkinson's and arthritis as well as blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications. It's obvious you'd better lose your hair then being sick, so don't be afraid to take recommendations from your doctor. But be aware that in many cases there are alternative drugs available that will not cause hair loss.
#6 Chemotherapy Treatments
Almost 100 out of 100 cancer patients who have to undergo chemotherapy will lose hair. It'll start within a few week after the chemo treatment started. And no, not just on their scalp. All areas of the body are affected. Most patient however, will notice their growing back 6 to 8 months after the last chemotherapy session.
#7 Stress
Yip, it true. Stress can cause hair loss. It'll usually start a few months after a stress-event and will last a couple of months, depending on the impact of the stress-event.
# 8 Toxins and poisons
In our modern society, we are constantly surrounded by toxins and poisons that are used in the manufacturing of many everyday products. When inhaled over a long period of time, some of these poisons and toxins are know to cause hair loss.
#9 Head Injuries
Head trauma like chemical, severe damage from a blunt object, and over-exposure to extreme low temperatures run the risk of total and permanent hair loss. Wearing a tight helmet over a long period of time is technically not a head injury, but the continuous pressure it causes, can lead to permanent hair loss as well.
The answer to the question What Causes Hair Loss can be much longer. But in general the most common causes are listed above.
Hair Loss After PregnancyKenneth Kender writes about health, about positive thinking and about healthy foods without hype and in plain everday English. His work is published both offline and online. Visit his blog at [] His latest online project is a website called [] where he helps you to find the answers on the question What Causes Hair Loss.
What Causes Hair Loss
Study What Causes Hair Loss? far more
What Causes Hair Loss?
Hair Loss After PregnancyIt is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day, this is part of the hair renewal process. However most people suffer from excessive hair loss at one time in their life. There are many reasons for this including medication, radiation, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals, hormonal and nutritional factors, thyroid disease, generalized or local skin disease, and stress.
Many of these causes are temporary and a few are permanent. These are some of the more common reason for hair loss.
Since hormones both stimulate hair growth and cause hair loss, hormonal changes by far have the biggest impact on hair loss. These can affect both men and women in the following ways:
This is the most common cause of thinning and affects both men and women. Men generally have hair loss concentrated in a specific pattern from the front through to the crown. Women tend to have thinning throughout their head without being in any specific pattern. This type of hair loss is caused by the androgen DHT, or Dihydrotestosterone. Since everyone has DHT that is produced by their bodies and only some people suffer from hair loss there has to be another factor involved. This other factor is having follicles that have a greater number of Androgen receptors for the DHT to attach to. This is the component that is inherited through the genes. To date the most effective preventative treatments are anti androgens, drugs that prevent the creation of DHT. In the future gene therapy will one day be able to alter the genes to prevent the follicles from being affected by DHT.
After pregnancy many women experience a loss of hair, this is caused many hair simultaneously entering the resting (telogen) phase. Within two to three months after giving birth, some women will notice large amounts of hair coming out in their brushes and combs. This can last one to six months, but resolves completely in most cases. This condition is caused by the hormonal changes that take place after a woman's body recovers from her pregnancy.
Birth control pills
Women who have a genetic predisposition to suffer from Androgenic Alopecia can have it occur at a much younger age by taking birth control pills. The hormonal changes that occur trigger the onset of the Androgenic Alopecia. If a woman has a history of female pattern loss in her family she should advise her doctor before going on the pill. After the discontinuation of the pill the woman may notice that her hair begins shedding two or three months later. This may continue for six months when it usually stops. In some cases the process cannot be reversed and the woman may not regrow some of the hair that was lost.
Since the follicle is a very sensitive it does respond to imbalances in the body. Most hair loss causes by disease or illness is temporary and resolves itself after the body has returned to a healthy condition.
High fever, severe infection, severe flu
Sometimes one to three months after a high fever, severe infection or flu, a person may experience hair loss, this is usually temporary and corrects itself.
Thyroid disease
Both an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. Thyroid disease can be diagnosed by your physician with laboratory tests. Hair loss associated with thyroid disease can be reversed with proper treatment.
Deficient diet
Some people who go on low protein diets, or have severely abnormal eating habits, may develop protein malnutrition. To help save protein the body shifts growing hair into the resting phase. If this happens massive amounts of hair shedding can occur two to three months later. A sign of this is if the hair can be pulled out by the roots fairly easily. This condition can be reversed and prevented by eating the proper amount of protein. Its very important when dieting to maintain an adequate protein intake.
Some prescription drugs may cause temporary hair shedding in a small percentage of people. Examples of such drugs include some of the medicines used for the following: gout, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure, or blood thinner. High doses of vitamin A may also cause hair shedding.
Cancer treatments
Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will cause hair loss because it stops hair cells from dividing. Hairs become thin and break off as they exit the scalp. This occurs one to three weeks after the treatment. Patients can lose up to 90 percent of their scalp hair. The hair will regrow after treatment ends and patients may want to get wigs before treatment. There are some drugs in development to help prevent this hair loss from occurring.
Low serum iron
Iron deficiency occasionally produces hair loss. Some people don't have enough iron in their diets or may not fully absorb iron in their diets. Women who have heavy menstrual periods may develop iron deficiency. Low iron can be detected by laboratory tests and can be corrected by taking iron pills.
Major surgery/chronic illness
Anyone who has a major operation - a tremendous shock to the system - may notice increased hair shedding within one to three months afterwards. The condition reverses itself within a few months but people who have a severe chronic illness may shed hair indefinitely. A relatively unknown fact is that hair transplantation surgery can actually cause additional hair loss or "shock fallout". Hairs lost from shock fallout usually don't regrow.
Alopecia Areata
This type of hair loss is believed to be caused by the immune system reacting to hair follicles as if they were antibodies and shutting them down. The hair loss is usually limited to a coin sized area and all the hair in the area is lost leaving a totally smooth round patch. In a more severe rarer condition called Alopecia Totalis, all hair on the entire body is lost, including the eyelashes. Treatments include topical medications, a special kind of light treatment, or in some cases drugs.
Fungus Infection (Ringworm) of the scalp
Caused by a fungus infection, ringworm (which has nothing to do with worms) begins with small patches of scaling that can spread and result in broken hair, redness, swelling, and even oozing. This contagious disease is most common in children and oral medication will cure it.
n cause hair loss is some people. Usually it occurs 3 months after the stressful event has occurred and it may take 3 months after the stress period has ended for the hair growth to resume. In most cases it is temporary if the person is not predisposed to genetic or Androgenic Alopecia, if they are stress may trigger the onset of genetic hair loss or may worsen existing Androgenic hair loss.
Damage to the hair can be self inflicted either by intentional or unintentional means. Some people going through stress continuously pull at their hair until it comes out. Styling hair by bleaching, braiding and straightening can also cause damage and results in hair being lost.
Trichotillomania or Hair Pulling
Some children and less often adults play with their hair by pulling on it or twisting it. This can be part of a behavioral problem or a bad habit that is often done unconsciously. If the behavior is not stopped permanent hair loss can result from the constant stress on the hair. Its best to seek the help of a mental health professional to solve this problem.
Hair Styling Treatments
Many people change the appearance of their hair by using chemical treatments like dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, relaxers and permanent waves. If correctly done and done using reputable products, its rare to have any damage. However, hair can become weak and break if any of these chemicals are used too often. Hair can also break if the solution is left on too long, if two procedures are done on the same day, or if bleach is applied to previously bleached hair. Some chemical relaxers do contain powerful chemicals and there have been instances of people get chemical burns from these products resulting in permanent hair loss. Only go to qualified hair stylists and if doing it yourself make sure you only use reputable products and follow the product directions.
Hair Braids/Weaves
Many black women and some black men braid their hair or wear hair weaves. Under normal conditions these cause no problems. However if the weave is attached too tight or the braids are wrapped too tight, they put a constant strain on the hair follicle. If this is done for an extended period of time permanent hair loss can result. This is known as Traction Alopecia and is fairly common among people who braid or weave their hair. Make sure the person applying the braids or weave is qualified to do so and don't wear braids or weaves continuously for extended periods of time.
Understand Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss extra
Two of the leading causes of sudden hair loss are genes and stress. Hairloss may be inherited, but this is usually not sudden, but happens over time. What is sudden about it is that you notice large clumps of hair staying on the brush or comb when you do your hair each morning. Although this is common in males, it does happen to females as well. Severe stress has also been identified as a cause of sudden hair loss because it interferes with the inner workings of the body's hormones. This can be psychological stress or trauma to the body following an accident or major surgery.
People that experience sudden hair loss contact their doctor immediately to try to find the causes of sudden hair loss. If there is no underlying stress or side effects from medication, sudden hair loss could be a warning sign of the early onset of a disease such as diabetes or lupus or even an infection of the scalp.
Some people who experience sudden hair loss realize that the problem is caused by DHT. This is usually what causes rapid hair loss due to genetic causes. The doctor can prescribe a DHT blocker as a shampoo or a topical solution that will help to slow the effects of thinning hair and help some of the hair to grow back. Of course every case is different. What works well for one person may not work for another.
One of the more serious hair loss causes is a condition called alopecia. There are several forms of this condition, but there is no cure for it. The forms of alopecia are:
· Alopecia areata - in this form of the condition patients experience sudden hair loss in patches that leave bald spots in different parts of the scalp
· Alopecia totalis - this results in total hair loss on all of the scalp
· Alopecia universalis - this is total hairloss all over the body
When doctors are trying to find the causes of rapid hair loss, the first tests will be blood tests to determine whether there is an infection, a deficiency or a hormone problem. Sudden hair loss in itself is a traumatic experience and people often rush out and purchase all manner of products to try to get their hair to grow back. These products will probably not work unless you have identified the underlying causes of sudden hair loss. It is important to so this first rather than waste your money on products that will not do anything for you or your hair.
Sudden hair loss is not common, but happens. Find out the cause first before doing anything else.
Hair LossFor a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Transplant Surgery as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss
Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss
Hair LossExamine Female Thinning Hair and Pregnancy much more
Female Thinning Hair and Pregnancy
Hair Loss After PregnancyThe increase in hormones during pregnancy can be associated as one of the primary causes of female thinning hair. It is actually one of the main reasons women lose hair at all. Almost every woman will experience some degree of hair loss after pregnancy. The thinning hair only gets bad enough to be noticeable in about ten percent of women.
Many hair growth treatments will help replace that lost hair. One of these is Provillus for Women. This product has proven to help you re-grow that lost hair quickly after giving birth. That way you can spend more time enjoying your baby rather than worrying about your hair loss.
Female thinning hair is very common after pregnancy. You may have noticed that when you were still pregnant, your hair had become thicker, fuller, shinier, and softer. This is because of increased estrogen levels in the body during pregnancy. After giving birth, estrogen levels return to normal. The change in estrogen levels can cause up to sixty percent to fall out within the first two or three months after pregnancy. Most women do not find it noticeable, or a bother. Other experience extreme hair loss that damages their self esteem as well as their confidence as they are caring for their new baby.
Vitamin supplements can do a lot for curing mild or moderate hair loss. However, for more extreme hair loss, drastic measures are needed. Provillus for women is highly recommended by those who have used it for all types of hair loss. It is an all natural product that can help you re-grow it quickly. Many women are tempted to try a product for their hair loss but are scared of possibly hurting their baby if they breastfeed. As long as the product you use is chemical and drug free, your baby will be fine, and your hair will grow back.
Betty Bennett writes for popular site NaturalHealthForWomen.Net. She is an expert on women's health and provides informative articles on a variety of topics, including women balding. Get free tips when you visit the site today!
Go through Excessive Hair Loss - When Should You Be Worried? more
If you ever wonder how many strands of hair you shed after a hair wash, you are not alone. Every woman seems to have the same concern as yourself. As you scrape the hair out of the drain in the shower, you will start to think if this condition is normal or if you are suffering from excessive hair loss.
There are many causes of excessive hair loss, one of which is the usage of chemicals and the administering of certain medications. If you have been taking chlorambucil, danazol, fenibrate, ibuprofen, or birth control pills - excessive hair loss is something to be expected. Same thing if you have been taking Vitamin or warafarin. These compounds and chemicals are known to cause the dreaded loss of hair.
Another factor that can cause loss of hair is hormonal changes in your body. If they don't cause hair loss, they will affect your hair in other ways -- such as changing the thickness of the hair and texture of the hair. This is normal when the body is undergoing some hormonal changes like when puberty strikes, menstruation, birth control, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. There are many phases of a woman's hormonal condition that can greatly affect the hair.
Stress could also cause excessive loss of hair. You can help reduce the loss by learning how to manage the stress. Some of the things you can do to relieve stress include doing regular cardiovascular exercises, taking yoga classes, eating healthily, meditating or setting a quiet time for yourself and commit not to worry about every little thing in life.
If hormones and stress play a role in loss of hair in women, for men it's their genes that seem to be wreaking havoc the most. Hereditary hair loss is quite common in men and as they grow older, they will start notice some baldness pattern on the head. This may include the hair receding at the temples and some thinning on top. This type of loss is usually inherited from the parent - but usually it's from the maternal side of the family.
The clues won't be too obvious though for women. You may one day notice there are a lot of strands of hair left in the hairbrush or in the shower drain. Before it gets too late, you may want to start consulting your doctor for advices. Before the doctor can provide you with the best treatment, an essential part of the treatment process is to identify what's causing the loss of hair in the first place.
Hair Loss After PregnancyTag :
Excessive Hair Loss - When Should You Be Worried?
Read Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder far more
Excessive hair loss should never be dismissed as a cosmetic problem, as it can be an early warning sign of impending illness. Any change in hair can be the body's way of telling you to pay attention to your health.
The condition of one's hair is an indication of their entire physical and emotional well-being. When a person is physically or emotionally ill their hair may become dull and lifeless, and may begin to fall out. Traditional Chinese medicine and other healing systems view the outward appearance of one's hair as an indication of the internal system.
Hair loss is a symptom of many medical conditions. Taking hair loss seriously in the beginning stages can help prevent a slight imbalance from becoming a more serious medical condition. In many cases hair loss is temporary and can be easily corrected once the cause is identified and addressed.
An example of hair loss as an early symptom of impending illness was documented in the Journal of Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM, December 1989.) A 40 year old female experienced chronic diffuse hair loss with no other symptoms. Six months later she experienced an attack of ulcerative colitis. She was treated and remained well for eighteen months. During this time her hair loss ceased. Her second attack of ulcerative colitis was also preceded by diffuse hair loss before any other symptoms were present. Because of this pattern, another episode of hair loss could be a warning of the possibility of an upcoming ulcerative colitis attack, and preventative measures can be taken.
Other gastrointestinal disorders such as Chron's disease and Celiac disease often include hair loss as a symptom. These types of disorders hinder the body's ability of absorb nutrients. Malnourishment often shows up in the hair before other symptoms are present.
Hair loss is often the first symptom of any type of adrenal gland imbalance. If treated early balance can be re-established. Untreated adrenal gland disturbances can progress to more serious disorders such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome.
The thyroid is commonly involved in hair loss. A healthy thyroid is essential for healthy hair. Even a slight deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones could cause hair loss. The thyroid should always be checked when hair loss occurs.
There are over 80 different autoimmune disorders. Although hair loss is very common with certain autoimmune disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, and Grave's disease, it can be a symptom of almost all autoimmune conditions. Changes in texture, color, dryness etc. commonly occur in autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune conditions cause the immune system to mistakenly view its own cells as foreign invaders. In response the immune system begins to attack its own body, affecting various organs and body systems.
Any liver or kidney deficiency can manifest as hair loss. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are believed to be the primary organ connected to scalp hair. It is thought that beautiful lustrous hair is a sign of healthy kidneys; and that a weakness in the kidneys can cause thinning and prematurely gray hair.
Problems with insulin and blood sugar levels such as in hypoglycemia and diabetes can cause hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia are also causes of hair loss.
Any hormonal imbalance can lead to hair loss. A common cause of hair loss in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Candidiasis albicans is a condition of yeast overgrowth which can become very destructive and cause many health problems including hair loss.
These are some of the more common medical conditions in which has loss can be a symptom. Anytime the body is not functioning optimally hair loss may occur. Because hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body (along with bone marrow) it is very sensitive to any disturbances.
It is important to pay attention to any changes in hair and to identify the cause as soon as possible. Correcting the problem early could minimize future health problems.
Hair LossIf you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about what causes hair loss, and how to treat it, you may wish to read Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem by Melanie Vonzabuesnig Please vistit VZ BOTANICALS for more information on hair loss.
Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy as a natural solution for her own hair loss. Information on aromatherapy and hair loss is available in her book Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair
Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder
Hair LossGo through Hair Loss: Causes And Remedies a lot more
Hair contributes greatly to our looks and appearances. The aspects of hair that affect these elements include their colour, neatness, distribution and even length. These are but a few of the elements that distinguish individuals; some have darker hair compared to others, others keep it short. Others keep it short while others long.
The process of hair growth must be put into perspective before the issues surrounding its loss are addressed. Normally, the growth cycle ranges from two to three years. This means that at any given time, it is either growing or it is being shed off. In between the two phases of growth there is the resting phase. The part that is shed off is usually replaced by 'new hair'. However, the rate at which it is lost and replaced differs from person to person.
Loss of hair affects both men and women. This may be inherited while other forms may be either as a result of diseases or chemical imbalances in the body. Age is also an important determinant in the process of losing it. Depending on the cause and other factors that are specific to the individual, losing hair is a process that could be reversed, for instance if lost at puberty may last a few years before it stops.
This problem can be addressed by medical practitioners known as dermatologists. They can help in identifying the underlying causes of loss and thinning that stems from other reasons other than genetic reasons. The dermatologists do this by diagnosing and treating conditions that contribute to its unexplained loss and thinning. They can also conduct biopsies on your scalp in order to delve further into the possible causes of the loss.
Individuals experiencing hair loss must be aware that inasmuch as medication may be the solution to their problems, some may be the cause of the problem. Side effects of some forms of medication may lead to serious loss of hair. In such cases, this loss can be said to be a side effect rather than a condition. For example, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments tend to experience this to a very large extent. However, this may not be permanent as it grows back within a year of such treatment.
Hair loss affects different individuals in different ways. It may occur in patches of different sizes on individuals' scalps. This may be temporary or permanent and it affects both men and women. Among women, this affects the top of their heads and the sides. This is usually common after the menopause period.
The problem of losing hair among women can be a devastating issue. For example, if a woman experiences complete baldness it may be devastating. This can be due to the fact that, there is a strong link between femininity and hair; and therefore its complete loss may be seen as loss of femininity. Furthermore, it is hair that has been considered to be a woman's rich source of desirability and beauty.
The types of hair loss [] treatment are available. They may range from herbs to advanced options such as its replacement. You can always get information that will address your personal condition of losing and thinning of hair that will restore your beauty and glamour and dispel all your fears concerning the problem. It is a problem that can be mitigated when you visit us for more information at [].
Hair Loss: Causes And Remedies
Hair LossStudy Hair Loss Symptom - Recognizing the Signs a lot more
Hair loss is a condition that most people wouldn't want to have. As much as they may not want to admit it, the condition affects how they think of themselves and how they relate to others socially. You could take note of some symptoms if you're worried about possibly suffering from hair loss. Do remember though that a hair loss symptom will depend on the kind of hair loss condition you have.
Androgenetic Alopecia
95% of individuals who suffer from hair loss are known to have androgenetic alopecia. In this condition, it is the genes and hormones that are responsible for whatever hair loss symptom there is.
Men and Hair Loss - Among men, this condition may first be noticed in a thinning of the temple hair strands and a receding hair line. Eventually the most evident hair loss symptom will be the gradual formation of a horseshoe pattern. Men will develop a bald top area with hair remaining only at the back of the head and a little on the temples.
Female Hair Loss - The hair loss symptom of women with the same condition is a little different. Women do not end up with bald patches or a bald top. The normal hair loss symptom is an overall diffuse thinning of the hair. Women will appear to have thinner hair with scalp areas becoming obvious through the remaining thin hair strands.
Alopecia Aratea
Although it is not as common as androgenetic alopecia, it is also another cause for hair loss. It is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system inexplicably attacks the hair follicles resulting in the loss of hair. The main hair loss symptom of this condition is the appearance of round patches or areas in the scalp without hair while the rest of the scalp may retain hair strands.
Telogen Effluvium
Stress and Hair Loss - This hair loss condition is believed to occur most among people who are subjected to a lot of physical, emotional or mental stress. In this condition, the hair loss symptom is a general increase in hair shedding. This happens because a lot of hair strands suddenly shift from the growing to the resting phase and fall off in approximately 3 months or so.
Traction Alopecia
Hairstyle Factor - This is the type of hair loss that is primarily caused by hairstyles that are too tight. These styles include braids, corn rolls and ponytails. When the hair is bound too tightly, the strands may get uprooted resulting in a hair loss symptom of small areas or without hair. The problem here is that if the damage is extensive, the scalp may begin to heal and the damage may eventually develop into scar tissue. This makes hair rehabilitation and further hair growth difficult, if not, impossible.
Vitamin Deficiency - A hair loss symptom may also be obvious under other conditions or situations aside from those mentioned above. It has been discovered for example that individuals who are deficient in some vitamins and minerals like biotin, iron and vitamin B6 may suffer from hair loss.
Cancer Medication - In some cases, an obvious hair loss symptom may be noticed if a person is under medications like blood thinners, steroids and cancer medicines. A person could also suffer from hair loss due to very severe illness like thyroid disease, severe anemia, severe infection and lupus.
Hair LossFind out more regarding the connection between stress and hair loss. Discover ways to reduce your hair loss symptom.
Hair Loss Symptom - Recognizing the Signs
Hair LossUnderstand Postpartum Hair Loss - How To Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy a lot more
Postpartum Hair Loss - How To Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy
Hair LossPostpartum hair loss is what is commonly known as post pregnancy hair loss which this can last from six to twelve months after childbirth. There are several things you can do to Stop Hair Loss After Pregnancy.
Have your doctor check you out to ensure that you are no longer experiencing hormonal imbalance. If the hormonal imbalances continues after childbirth, you might be experiencing other types of medical conditions which could have occurred during pregnancy and extend thereafter like thyroid disorder in pregnancy.
If you are given a clean bill of health, you should start on a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables high in antioxidants, helping you to enhance hair growth and strengthening the follicles.
Intake of the right amount of supplements in terms of vitamins and minerals is an important part of the regimen. You may wish to continue taking prenatal vitamins as the chemical components of zinc, vitamin H, silica and calcium can help enhance hair growth. Fish oils containing omega, flaxseed oil, avocados and nuts can also help with the hair growth.
Scalp acupuncture and massage is also effective in stimulating the blood flow through the scalp and hair follicles. You may do the massage yourself or us a bristle brush. Be careful not to rip the remaining amounts of your hair.
Create a soothing, safe, healthy and happy environment at home to avoid emotional trauma and postnatal depression as this will give rise to more stress and hence intensify your postpartum hair loss.
As you trying to coax new hair to grow, never use harsh chemicals on your hair or scalp and this include thick moisturizing creams, harsh shampoos, hair coloring and highlights etc. Avoid using strong hair dryers, heated curlers just in case you might further aggravate hair loss.
While you may not be able to totally stop hair loss after pregnancy, there are some things you can do to camouflage it. Trying different hair styles or going for a shorter crop enables easy hair management and can in fact stimulate hair growth to a certain extent. You might wan to use headbands which can easily cover up certain areas, especially along the hairline or higher.
Always remember, post pregnancy hair loss is temporary and you will have a full-grown head of crowning glory again very soon, especially if you do not fuss over it every moment of the time. Anxiety and stress can affect it growth too.
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Read Postpartum Hair Loss - Dealing With the Effects more
After giving birth, a woman may experience loss of hair. This condition is medically known as postpartum hair loss. If during pregnancy, the high level of estrogen improves blood and nutrients circulation in the body, thus increasing hair growth; after the delivery, the level of estrogen returns back to normal. When the estrogen level returns to normal, this is when the hair starts increasingly falling out -- instead of just the usual few strands of hair.
Fortunately for women, postpartum hair loss isn't something permanent and it is treatable. In most cases, the loss of hair will stop occurring after a few months. Just to be on the safe side, however, new mothers can take a number of ways to keep their hair healthy and intact.
To deal with the effect of postpartum hair loss, you can try to change your hairstyle. If you are previously sporting the long hair look, you can shorten it instead and give some bangs to frame the face. Making the hair shorter in the front and longer at the sides is a smart way to keep a fresh style and look to women who had just gone through pregnancy.
To keep your hair healthy and to give it a fuller look, make sure that it is conditioned and moisturized well throughout the day. This can be done by using a conditioner and moisturizer after shampooing the hair. Do not forget to choose the right conditioner and moisturizer - get products designed specifically for hair care after pregnancy. It is possible to use baby shampoos, as they are gentle enough for your hair. Further, do avoid using excessive hairstyling products - as they may contain some harsh chemicals that could further damage the hair. Avoid blow-drying the hair as well.
If you would like to disguise the thinning part of the hair, you can color your hair or change the hair parting style. For those who have dark hair, highlighting the front would do wonder for your appearance. As for those who usually part hair in the middle, consider switching to a side part hairstyle instead - this way you can camouflage the hair thinning at the temples area.
Having a straight and silky hair is a great look when you are not suffering from any hair loss problem. When it happens, it would make the loss of hair even more pronounced. Consider changing your hairstyle to a curly or wavy one.
Hair Loss After PregnancyTag :
Postpartum Hair Loss - Dealing With the Effects
Go through Hair Loss and High Sex Drive extra
Male Pattern Baldness or Hair Loss has been shown to be associated with high levels of testosterone in the body; specifically DHT or "Dihydrotestosterone". This has led to the suggestion that all men with a receding hairline also have high sex drive. Not necessarily, but not totally untrue either.
What causes hair loss?
What causes hair loss? The chances for male pattern baldness to develop ranges from 23 to 87 percent in men and DHT related hair loss is only one of the causes for male pattern baldness. Environmental factors such as poor nutrition, infection and stress can also bring about the onset of hair losses.
In balding men with high levels of DHT, their hair follicles becomes hyper sensitive to DHT and over a period of time (anywhere from 5 to 25 years), their hair starts to thin as the hair follicles shrinks. Without treatment, eventually the thinning hair will fall off.
Asking a doctor
If you ask a doctor, most of them will tell you that bald men do not have high sex drive. But what they are not telling you is that men with high sex drive and hence high testosterone have higher chances for male pattern baldness. Bald men may not necessary have a high sex drive but having high levels of testosterone can lead to hair loss. So should we be worried if we are a very virile male? No, unless you have a family history of males in the family with male pattern baldness or if you have already started to noticed falling clumps of hair.
What can you do?
Male pattern baldness will affect majority of men at some stage in their lives. To halt hair loss and increase your chances for hair to grow back, seek treatment early. Without affecting your sex life, it is possible to stop hair loss today.
There are several options available to halt hair loss. One recommended solution for initial onset of hair loss is Rogaine. It is an over-the-counter medication approved by FDA for the treatment of hair loss, caused by DHT. It is a liquid that you can rub into your scalp to regrow hair and to prevent further loss. Unlike other medication, users of Rogaine did not experienced any drop in their sex drive. So next time someone passed a remark about your receding hairline, let them know that women have found you to be sexier this way. Losing your hair may not be the best way of improving your sex life, but if hair loss is a reflection of one's sex life, at least you know that despite your hair loss, you are still getting it.
Adam Able is a trained Health Coach and a certified Nutritionist. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida and can be reached at his Men's Health Blog [] or you can email him at
Hair Loss and High Sex Drive
Hair LossGo through Front Hair Loss additional
Frontal hair loss can be a frustrating problem for both men and women of any age. While most consider this form of losing hair a problem for older men, it actually afflicts people of all ages. If balding is caught early, the chances of successfully stopping loss and promoting hair growth go up quite a bit. Once a significant amount of hair thinning or loss, the best option is usually simply living with the issue or choosing a form of hair replacement.
Who Suffers From Frontal Hair Loss?
Unfortunately, there is no population that is completely immune to hair loss. Male pattern baldness can strike men at any age, and a variety of other issues can turn into a risk for both men and women who are not predisposed genetically to male pattern baldness. Genetic frontal baldness can start becoming noticeable as early as age 20 for up to a quarter of those who will eventually be effected. Over three quarters of all men and half of all women will be effected by frontal baldness to some extent eventually.
The majority of those who suffer from frontal hair loss have a genetic predisposition to pattern baldness. The gene associated with this type of baldness generally effects men much more than women. Some frontal baldness can occur due to the long term pull from wearing a ponytail, and other types of frontal baldness issues can occur due to medical issues and drug side effects.
• Receding Hairline - One of the first signs that many people will notice when they start to loose hair in front is the receding hairline that comes alongside frontal hair loss. While the early signs of hairline change are quite subtle, regular pictures can indicate a small difference that is almost always an early sign of hair loss.
• Hair Lost While Brushing - One should loose something between 50 hairs and 150 hairs every time they brush their hair. Pay attention to how much hair usually comes out with each brushing, and consider it the sign of a problem if the amount goes up significantly for a sustained period of time.
• Hair Loss At The Top - The first place most will loose hair is right on top, at the scalp. It can be difficult to keep an eye on the scalp without specific effort, so this baldness is usually unnoticeable until it gets pretty drastic. Checking in a mirror once every week or so is a simple way to catch a thinned scalp.
Treatment Options
It is generally much easier to keep the hair that is already present than to regrow hair that has been permanently lost. There are several drugs available on the market that can be purchased either over the counter or through a doctor that are proven successful in fighting frontal hair loss and occasionally regrowing some lost hair. Stress reduction can slow hair loss for some people, especially when combined with healthy eating and supplements.
Michael Stanford is a freelance writer in the nutritional industry. He has contributed research on many of the top frontal hair loss supplements available today, as well as serving as a consultant to the supplement industry for the past four years.
Front Hair Loss
Hair LossRead through Hair Loss Treatment, Causes - Is Hair Loss Normal a lot more
We have a lot of hair if not million of them is found in the scalp. It is said that the natural crown of our beauty is our hair especially with women. But what if you are already beginning to lose that crown? Is hair loss normal?
Hair Loss and Growth
Before we could understand hair loss, we should fist know how our hair grows. For two to six years, our hair grows. That is a normal cycle. In that cycle, hair grows approximately one centimeter a month. In the scalp about 90 percent of the hair is in an active phase or are growing while the remaining 10 percent is resting. After about two to three months, that 10 percent starts to fall. But there is nothing to worry because normally, new hair grows and replace their places in the scalp.
Hair loss is normal. It is part of the cycle and everyday is a part of it; as such a person could lose a portion of his or her hair everyday. Moreover, it is a phenomenon experienced by all people, women and men alike, regardless of age and race. However, there are people that experience excessive loss aside from their normal hair growth and loss cycle.
Causes of Excessive Hair Loss
There are so many things that could cause baldness. A major illness like cancer or a surgery can cause a large amount of hair to fall. However, this is temporary. After recovery from the stress of the illness, the hair growth cycle could be restored to normal.
Hormonal imbalances like in the thyroid gland can also cause excessive loss. An overactive or inactive thyroid can also cause loss. Also the imbalances in the female hormone estrogen and male hormone androgen are also known to be causes of hair loss. It is only when the imbalances are corrected that the hair loss may stop.
Another cause that is still related to hormonal imbalances is experienced by women after giving birth. During pregnancy, the body produces hormones that keep the hair of the mother from falling and disturbs the cycle. However, three months after child birth, the cycle goes back to normal.
Some medicines like anticoagulants, birth control pills antidepressants and excessive vitamin A can also call massive hair fall. Fungal infections in the scalp are also one cause; though it is not proven that dandruff, a scalp ailment cause by fungi, is directly related to loss.
Improper Care of Hair
Loss of Hair is also affected with the improper care of hair of an individual. Wearing ponytails, cornrows, or tight rollers can cause a type of hair fall called traction alopecia. In this case, the hairs are pulled and losses their strength. It is only when the pulling is stopped that the excessive fall will discontinue and the hair grows normally. Also, the use of chemicals on the hair is one of the causes of hair fall. These chemicals cause the scalp to swell thus inflaming the follicles and scarring the scalp.
Hair Loss to Baldness
Hair loss can lead to permanent baldness if not treated properly. Men lose more hair than women that is why the term common baldness usually means male-pattern baldness>. This type of hair loss in men is usually affected by genes and is inherited. The most common is in receding hairline from the top of the head. In women, female-pattern baldness is characterized by thinner hair over time in the entire scalp.
Treatment for Excessive Hair Loss
Science and technology have already developed a lot of treatment for hair loss. There are shampoos specifically designed to control hair fall. For the male and female pattern hair loss, there are prescribed drugs or medication to control the hormones that causes it.
Other measures like hair implants, surgery and laser treatments could also be done to reverse the effect of loss of hair.
Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. For more information read about Hair Loss Treatment at Herbal Remedies website. Also read about Home Remedies for Baldness
Hair Loss Treatment, Causes - Is Hair Loss Normal
Study Chinese Medicine For Hair Loss a lot more
Chinese medicine consists of the following healing techniques: herbology, acupuncture, and acupressure. These modes of healing can be rooted back in the ancient Chinese system of treating diseases. Right now, a lot of medical practitioners are claiming that these healing techniques have some legitimate scientific basis to it. Incidentally, hair loss is just one minor problem that Chinese medicine can easily address.
There are different concoctions, herbs, and procedures to revert hair loss in a person. The traditional Chinese way of healing comprises the use of pressure points, chi, and energy flow into the body. One good medicine for hair loss is Goto Kola.
A very popular herb known to curb hair loss in men and also control male pattern baldness.
Also known to help people with alopecea, this herb is available in its natural form and as a pill.
It is also used for blood purification and increase memory power of a person, but must be taken after Doctor's consultation only.
Goto Kola is very effective for age-related hair loss and male pattern baldness. It is believed that Goto Kola is the well-kept secrets of Chinese centenarians who have gone past their 100th birthday still enjoy the full lock of their hair.
But more than treating hair loss, Goto Kola is also effective for memory problems, anxiety, insomnia, edema, and high blood pressure. It can also be used to enhance a person's cognitive processes, heal wounds, and promote blood circulation.
Other than Goto Kola, ginseng is also a good treatment for hair loss.
Who hasn't heard of this Chinese medicine, right? Well, Ginseng has been administered for decades now, to cure various ailments, one of which is hair loss.
The Siberian Ginseng has strong medicinal powers that helps rejuvenate the scalp and increase blood flow.
This herb must be the most popular one yet this decade. Both Chinese medicine and the Indian Ayurvedic medicine had attested to its effectiveness. It addresses hair loss by directly inhibiting the production of 5 alpha reductase, which is the element that is believed to cause the problem. Ginseng can also inhibit cortisol and work as an adaptogen.
Foti, also referred to as Shien Mien in Chinese medicine, is also a good herbal treatment for hair loss.
Also known as He Shou Wu, this herb is commonly consumed as tea or as medication to help increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.
In fact, it has been used as a hair-growing agent in the past few years already. However, scientific evidences to prove its effectiveness are yet to surface. But with the testimonials of the people who are using it, this herb is definitely worth a try.
But more than the use of Chinese medicine, it has been recently discovered that male pattern baldness can actually be triggered by the food that a person eats. A western diet consisting of dairy products, meat, and fast food items are conducive to hair loss, according to an epidemiological study conducted in Japan eight years ago.
The study also concluded that a macrobiotic diet has a positive effect to hair growth. Such diet consists of grains, fish, and vegetables, including foods that are rich in the 3 fatty acids and 6 fatty acids.
The author is the owner of The Chinese Medicine Guide [].
For more information about Chinese medicine for hair loss [] visit the website.
Chinese Medicine For Hair Loss
Hair LossUnderstand Thyroid and Hair Loss far more
The hair is regarded as the crowning glory of an individual. After all, it is the first thing that gets noticed by the people around you. The hair is said to be one of the proofs of beauty alongside with the teeth and the nails. But then, here comes the truth about hair loss. Those who experience hair loss at a very tender age somewhat get panic-stricken. Hair loss becomes very obvious and if it continuously gets ignored, the worst should be expected. It is none other than baldness. You would not want to get bald most especially if you are under the age of 30! How can you go on with your daily routine with a little hair on your head? How can you face the world when in fact you've got the biggest problem in your life?
Hair loss is literally an accepted fact these days. As in the case of men, they have accepted that at a certain age they will be facing hair loss problems. But then it is a different case with women. There is nothing scarier than realizing that you are suffering from hair loss. How would you face your everyday habit with a bothersome hair loss dilemma? When you start noticing that your hair gets thinner everyday, you start to panic. But before you take some drastic measures; be sure to first research about its possible causes. Some of the most common factors that prompt hair loss are aging, heredity, poor blood circulation, weight loss, hormones, faulty immune system, stress, vitamin deficiency, under active thyroid glands, and diabetes. If you suffer from any of these, you can probably trace the root cause of everything. If you are unsure of the real cause of your hair loss, why not get professional help?
The hair is a clear mirror that shows whether the human body contains enough nourishment or not. An oily hair indicates vitamin B insufficiency, a dry or brittle hair shows that there is fats deficit, a dull color of the hair and its poor growth visibly signal the lack of zinc and the frequent hair loss may indicate that there are vitamin C, lysine, iron, and vitamin B1 deficiencies.
There have been several recognized factors that are associated with hair loss. One of which is an under active thyroid gland. There are many cases wherein the thyroid gland is the main root of all. As everybody knows, the thyroid gland is a major component of the endocrine system. It is responsible for producing various hormones that motivate the diverse functions of the body. Now if what you have is an under active thyroid gland, the necessary hormones that will keep the hair healthy and strong will not be produced.
Hair loss is typically related to fluctuations in the hormone production. Both men and the women are subjected to hair loss especially if their thyroid glands fail to work double time. Often referred to as hormonal hair loss, this dilemma is set permanently for the males than for the women. The hair loss problem can be solved by the application of the rightful treatments. Therefore, if the cause of the hair loss is a thyroid disease, make sure that you undergo a series of therapy to correct whatever it is that needs to be straightened out. You should not also drastically use hair loss shampoos if you are not sure if it will work for you. It will not do you any harm if you get the help of the expert. It may cost you some dollars but there is no better way that it.
Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of []. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about the thyroid and hair loss [].
Thyroid and Hair Loss
Go through Hair Loss After Pregnancy Is A Normal Part Of The Whole Pregnancy Process more
Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that occurs in almost all women. For most women the hair loss usually peaks approximately three months after delivery. Six to twelve months after delivery your hair will return to normal, the way they were before your pregnancy period. So if you have just given birth and are experiencing hair loss, you need not worry. Go on and read this article and find out why this happens and what you can do to take of your hair.
Hair Growth Cycle
Let us begin by understanding your hair growth cycle. Under normal circumstances, around 90% of your hair is in the growing phase while 10% is in the resting phase. Every two or three months your resting hair will fall out and new hair will start to grow in its place. Therefore, under normal circumstances it is normal to lose around 100 strands of hair per day.
Hair Change During Pregnancy
When you are pregnant your body goes through lot of changes. The hormonal changes, more specifically the increased level of estrogen, in a pregnant woman's body causes the hair to go into a strong growth phase. Therefore, pregnant women do not lose hair that they would normally lose. Result is thick and healthy hair. You must have heard pregnant women being complimented on their healthy, thick and shiny hair.
Hair Change After Pregnancy
Once the child is born, your body will again go through hormonal changes. A huge percentage of your hair that was in the growth phase will now go into resting phase and thus you will experience hair loss after pregnancy. Almost as much as 60% of your hair can enter into the resting phase after delivery. The increased hair fall can alarm you just as it does many women. However, you have to understand that your hair loss after pregnancy is a sign that your body is returning to normal.
Hair should be a part of your existent and after pregnancy care. Taking proper care of your hair will reduce your hair loss. Follow these very helpful hair care tips to ensure that you look good after pregnancy.
Talk to your doctor to maintain a proper hormonal balance in your body.Your diet should include lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.
Talk to your doctor about taking nutritional supplements.
Shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica are good for your hair.
Avoid tight pigtails, hair weaves, hair rollers, etc. as this can cause stress to your hair.
Do not comb your wet hair with a fine comb.
Avoid stress during and after pregnancy.
Knowing beforehand what your body will go through during and after pregnancy will help you take better care of yourself. You will be in a better position to deal with issues like sex after pregnancy, contraception, breastfeeding, etc. Therefore, read as much as you can about various issues relating to pregnancy, including hair loss after pregnancy.
Hair loss after pregnancy is a normal phenomenon and one that you can easily deal with proper hair care tips. Learning about various issues related to pregnancy period will help you deal better with all the changes that your body will go through during and after pregnancy. Other issues such as sex after pregnancy might also be playing on your mind. Don't worry, be happy. For more information visit pregnancy-period.
Hair Loss After Pregnancy Is A Normal Part Of The Whole Pregnancy Process
Hair Loss After PregnancyGo through The Cause Of Hair Loss In Women much more
Hair is often considered one of the most valuable physical assets of a woman, as it characterizes female beauty, and defines her sense of personal grooming. Every woman goes to great lengths to maintain healthy and beautiful hair.
That is why hair loss can often be depressing and demoralizing for most women. It is thought, stress is the cause of hair loss in women, and women are stressed further because of their falling hair, which can result in a vicious cycle of hair fall.
Generally, at any one of point of time, around ten percent of hair on the scalp stays in a resting position, which falls after two or three months. New hair then starts growing in its place.
This cycle continues for about two to six years. 'Alopecia', the medical term for hair loss, is a tendency that is usually prevalent in men, but surprisingly about two-thirds of women suffer from premature hair fall. There could be several reasons for the cause of hair loss in women.
Types Of Hair Loss:
There are four main types of hair loss that lead to thinning of hair in women. They are as follows:
Androgenetic Alopecia: It is one of the most common types of hair loss in women, which often appears prominently on the forehead, top and back of the head. Women do not lose all their hair, but it starts thinning slowly. Hair loss in this category begins on the crown of the head and then moves forward. Generally, the androgenetic hormone affects women with androgenetic alopecia.
Alopecia Areata: It is a disease of the immune system, which causes a severe patchy kind of hair loss. Generally, people suffering from this type of hair loss may have small bald spots, or lose all of the hair on their scalp. Although it can strike at any age, it usually begins in early childhood. When the immune system of the body attacks the hair growing cells, it leads to this cause of hair loss in women. It can affect adults and children of both sexes, but can be treated using immunotherapy drugs.
Telogen Effluvium: It is a sudden kind of hair loss, which is impermanent in nature. It is often caused by emotional stress, for example the death of a relative, or physical stress caused by chronic illness or surgery. Women generally notice the hair loss on their hairbrush or the shower floor. It is caused because the hair roots become inactive, and consequently hair from these roots starts falling. After a period of a month or two, new hair begins growing when the inactive hair roots become active again.
Traumatic Alopecia: This type of hair loss problem occurs because of many hair care practices, such as braiding the hair very tightly, or constant twisting and tugging of the hair.
A number of factors can contribute to the cause of hair loss in women. They are:
Hormonal problems: Hormonal problems often lead to hair loss in women. If hormones such as androgens and estrogens are not in proper balance, or the thyroid gland is overactive or under active, it may lead to excessive hair loss. However, the correction of the hormonal imbalance can help in stopping the hair loss.
Pregnancy: Pregnancy is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women. Usually, they start noticing the hair loss after three or four months of delivery. This form of hair loss is also related to hormones, as during pregnancy certain hormones prevent the falling out of hair. However, the normal cycle of hair growth resumes after four to six months of delivery.
Medication: Medication can also lead to hair loss in women. Some of the drugs that generally lead to hair loss could include blood thinners, medicine used for gout, chemotherapy to treat cancer, birth control pills, anti-depressants, and vitamin A if taken in an uncontrolled quantity. However, the hair loss could lessen if these medications are stopped.
Infection or underlying disease: Fungal infections of the scalp can be one of the major reasons for the cause of hair loss in women. It could even occur because of an inherent disease.
Telogen Effluvium: A change in the normal hair growth system followed by childbirth, crash dieting, operation, trauma or stress could also be one of the causes of hair loss in women.
Hair loss in women can often become a reason for their bad health and poor performance at work. Hair is a delicate part of the body that demands proper care and maintenance in order to remain healthy. Therefore, it is very important to discuss your hair loss problems with qualified doctors and hair specialists, to treat the root cause of hair loss, and your hair breathes life and shines with new vigor again.
Hair Loss After PregnancyStop your hair loss and find what you need in the way of treatments for thinning hair loss and learn more about hair loss and menopause [] by clicking over to
The Cause Of Hair Loss In Women
Read through Weight Loss After Pregnancy - A Realistic Perspective far more
Lot of new moms stress themselves out by going for programs on drastic weight loss after pregnancy. Losing weight rapidly also means that you are more likely to put it back on again. Therefore, it is important that you set realistic targets for yourself and that you take it easy. Most importantly you should be patient as the weight that you gained during your pregnancy period will take time to disappear.
The best time to start your weight reduction program is two to three months after your delivery. By this time your body would have healed and you would have got used to the routine of taking care of your newborn. Speak to your doctor and take your doctor's advice seriously. Furthermore, your target should not be more than 1-2 lbs per month.
Healthy Diet
Since you have just given birth, you should take care that you are getting all the nutrients and vitamins that you need. Many new moms neglect their diet while on weight loss program. For a healthy diet you should-
Drink plenty of water and avoid soda and juice.
Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Also include cheese, yogurt, lean meat, fish, eggs, nuts, legumes, cereals, rice and pasta in your food.
Never skip a meal.
Keep Yourself Motivated
The amount of pregnancy weight gain varies in women and so does the rate of losing this weight. If you feel that you are not losing weight fast enough, you should not give up. Remember that losing pregnancy weight is much harder than losing normal weight. Keep yourself motivated. Regularly take measurements of your chest, waist, and hip. Sometimes you would not have lost weight but you will find that you have lost an inch from here or there. Try on your old clothes to see how successful you have been.
To avoid getting bored with your structured exercise routine, you can take up other forms of physical activity. Include walking, yoga, swimming, and tai chi in your workout. This way you will enjoy each day of your post pregnancy care and will slowly continue to lose weight.
Many new moms in their zeal to look good after pregnancy follow tips that are unrealistic. Many try to emulate their favorite celebrity mom in losing the weight gained during pregnancy. They forget that these celebrities have expert dieticians, fitness experts, etc. helping them out 24×7. For regular moms it is better to focus on realistic goals.
To help you out with your weight loss program you might want to get your hands on books that deal with the same. There are many good books out there. Internet is another good source for all sorts of pregnancy related issues, like sex after pregnancy, breastfeeding and losing weight, hair loss, etc.
Remember that it is important to look good but it is more important to take proper care of your body. Therefore, be nice to yourself and do not hurry through your weight loss after pregnancy.
Hair Loss After PregnancyWeight loss after pregnancy can be a daunting task for some, while very easy for others. Throughout the process, it is important to keep using weight loss tips. By setting realistic targets, after your pregnancy period, and ensuring that you do not give up in the middle, you will soon be looking good after pregnancy. Say good bye to pregnancy weight gain with a firm resolve!
Weight Loss After Pregnancy - A Realistic Perspective
Hair Loss After PregnancyRead through Hair Loss - Wearing Hats Causes Hair Loss more
You may have heard that wearing a cap or hat can cause your hair to fall out. Just look at most bald men. Most wear hats. Did wearing their hats or caps cause their hair loss or did they wear their hats to cover the embarrassment of their balding head? There is some truth to hair loss being caused by the fact of wearing hats. Let us take a look at the truths and myths.
There are several main reasons men and women have thinning hair. Some could have wearing a hat as a contributing factor, whereas others do not. Let us look at each to see which could be contributed to the wearing of hats.
#1. Hereditary. Yes, sometimes hair loss just comes from your genes. If men or women in your family became bald, there is a likelihood that you could too. Sometimes thinning hair is just hereditary, and there is not a lot you can do about it. In this case, pay attention to the other contributing factors to help lessen your chances of hair loss.
#2. Lack of oxygen. Yes, a lack of oxygen to your roots can cause your hair to fall out. This can be contributed to wearing a cap or hat to tightly. If you are going to wear a cap or hat, make sure to wear it only snug enough to stay on your head. Wearing it too tightly can definitely cut off the oxygen supply to the roots.
#3. Lack of blood flow. Here again, this could be contributed to the wearing of a hat. Wearing your hat too tightly can cause the lack of blood flow that nourishes the roots. Make sure you only wear the hat tight enough to stay on your head but loose enough to allow blood flow to the hair root.
#4. Build up of sebum and oil. Sebum is a waxy substance that is secreted by the sebaceous glands in the scalp onto the hair follicles. This substance is used to protect the hair and the hair follicle. The build up of sebum or oil onto the follicle can plug the root causing a lack of oxygen used to nourish the root. Make sure you wash your hair and hat often to eliminate any build up of sebum and oil.
#5. Bacteria. Bacteria can grow on the scalp and kill the root. Here again, make sure you keep your hair and hat clean. Cleanliness can give your hair a better chance of staying in and not falling out.
Conclusion: as you can see, wearing a hat can contribute to hair loss. In order to lower the chances of your hat causing your hair to thin or fall out, you should do the following:
Make sure you wear your hat loose and comfortable. Only wear it tight enough to keep it on your head.
Make sure to wash your hair often. Keep the hair and roots clean of oil and sebum.
Wash your hat or headband often. Keeping your hat clean is very important as this will also keep your hair and roots clean.
Suppose you have been wearing a hat for a while and have hair loss. Now what?
This is just a few tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention [] and Re-growth.
Discover how you can keep the hair you have and re-grow the hair that you have lost. Have your hair growing back thick and luxurious in no time. Information can be found at []
Hair Loss - Wearing Hats Causes Hair Loss
Hair LossRead through Hair Loss - My Hair is Gone, Was it My Hat That Caused It? a lot more
Hair Loss - My Hair is Gone, Was it My Hat That Caused It?
Hair LossEveryone knows when you get older, you might lose your hair. What happens if you are not old and you start losing it? Hair loss affects men and women, as well as children of any age. You may be asking, what caused my hair to fall out? Was it my diet, heredity, too much sun or could it have been that I wear a hat? There are many opinions on this subject, some truthful, and some just myths.
Okay, so you have to wear a hat for your job or sport. Maybe it is just to cover those thinning or bald spots to keep you from being embarrassed. Is this just adding to the problem? Could this make it fall out faster? Will your hat just plainly make you go bald? Let us find out the truth.
First let us revel what can cause hair loss? Here are a few reasons your hair can start to thin or fall out that can be associated with the wearing of hats.
The lack of oxygen to the root. Yes, it is true; a hat or head protection can be worn too tightly, cutting off the oxygen supply to the hair root. Make sure when wearing a hat to wear it loosely giving your roots more opportunity to receive their oxygen supply.
The lack of blood flow to the follicle. Here again, a hat or head protection worn too tightly can cause the flow of blood to the hair follicle to be cut off. Make sure you wear your hat only tight enough to keep it on your head, but loose enough to aid in the flow of blood supply to the follicles.
Blocked or pulled hair follicles. Hair follicles can become blocked from an excessive amount of oil or sebum build up. Sebum is a wax type substance excreted by the sebaceous glands in the scalp. Dirt and bacteria buildup can also cause problems and block the follicles. In order to keep this from happening, make sure to keep the hat and headbands clean and dry.
Stressing the hair. Constant undue stress placed on the hair can cause hair loss. Pulling or tugging on the hair can cause stress that causes the hair to become brittle and fall out. Do not take your hat off or put it on too often or adjust it too frequently as this places stresses on the hair follicles.
What should you do if you must wear a hat or just like to wear a hat? First, make sure you keep the scalp and hair clean. This will make sure the hair follicles do not become plugged from excess oil or sebum. This will also make sure there are no bacteria growing in the hair follicles.
Make sure you do not wear your hat or headgear too tightly. Keep it loose fitting and comfortable. It is very important to make sure to keep your hat, clean and dry. Sharing your hat with other people is not a good idea either as this can transfer bacteria and oil from their scalp to yours.
If possible, try not to wear a hat continuously day in day out. Give your hair follicles and scalp time to get some fresh air. This will help with getting oxygen and blood flow to the hair follicles.
Myth: Wearing a hat will definitely make you have hair loss. Not true! It is not the wearing of the hat. It is how you wear the hat and if the hat is kept clean or not. It also depends on how many times you put the hat on and take it off, adjusting the hat on your head and how much stress is placed on the hair follicles. It is not the fact of wearing a hat that causes hair loss. It is how it is worn and taken care of.
So if you want to wear your hat, wear it...just be smart about it! But what happens if your hair continues to thin and fall out?
This is just a few tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention [] and Re-growth.
Discover how you can keep the hair you have and re-grow the hair that you have lost. Have your hair growing back thick and luxurious in no time. Information can be found at []
Go through Common Causes of Hair Loss in Teenage Girls a lot more
Hair loss among teenage girls is becoming more prevalent, and it is happening at an alarming rate. Girls as young as thirteen are becoming confused and afraid as they find more strands of hair in their brush, on their pillow, in the shower and lying all over the floor. At the same time they are also noticing that there is less on their head.
Looking good and fitting in is especially important for teenage girls. Excessive shedding with a noticeable decrease in volume can be a devastating and scary experience, especially since it isn't something they ever expected. After all, who ever heard of teenage girls losing their hair for no apparent reason? Until recently it was almost unheard of.
There are several reasons for this sudden increase in teenage hair disorders. Some of the most common causes are as follows:
Hormonal changes are a common cause of hair loss in teens and adults. From the onset of puberty throughout the teenage years, girls experience dramatic hormonal fluctuations. During this time the body needs extra support. Good nutrition, vitamin supplementation, exercise, adequate sleep and ample relaxation will help ease a girl through these hormonal changes.
Teens are known to have bad eating and sleeping habits. They often prefer to spend their time socializing on the computer, leaving little if any time for fresh air and exercise. These bad habits wreak havoc on the hormonal system resulting in hormonal imbalances that can affect the entire system. These imbalances can disrupt the hair growth cycle, causing unhealthy hair growth, thinning and excessive shedding.
Birth control pills are often started during teenage years, creating even more hormonal changes that can affect the hair. This side effect does not happen to every girl who uses the pill. A person will not know how they will be affected until the medication has been in the system for several months.
Many teens are self-conscious about their body and will go to extreme measures to fit into size zero jeans. Extreme dieting including anorexia and bulimia are common causes of unhealthy hair growth and excessive shedding among girls.
In order to control embarrassing acne, teens are often prescribed oral retinol-based acne medication. This is a very potent prescription medication. Oral acne medications can affect hair growth in several ways. By reducing the size of the sebaceous glands, less sebum is produced. Without adequate sebum, hair becomes dry, fragile, weak and more likely to fall out or break off. This medication can also cause several nutritional imbalances that can lead to shedding, thinning or breakage.
Because of the potential side effects, teen girls using this type of medication are required to be on birth control before, during and after the course of treatment-making the possibility of hair loss even greater.
Any medication can cause hair loss, breakage and undesirable texture changes even if it is not listed as a symptom. If the teen is on medication it could be the cause of any changes in her hair.
Hair loss has been reported as a possible result of immunizations. Most reported cases involve female patients.
Pulling hair back in tight styles which is often required for cheerleaders, dance team members, etc. causes sustained pressure on the scalp and follicles. This traction can loosen the hairs from its follicular roots and cause the hair to fall out. Prolonged traction can eventually cause permanent hair loss. Girls who are required to wear these tight hair styles for competition should wear hair loosely the rest of the time and massage affected areas to restore blood circulation.
These are only a few of the many possible causes of hair loss in teenage girls. The hair growth cycle is very sensitive to changes or disturbances, so there could be many possible contributing factors.
Most of these conditions involving teenage girls can usually be improved or reversed once the problem is identified and addressed. Using natural methods such as scalp massage and aromatherapy treatments can stimulate hair growth and minimize hair loss in teenage girls.
Hair LossMore information on TEENAGE HAIR LOSS is available here. Teenage hair loss must be taken seriously. Learn about the types, causes and most effective treatments.
See UNDERSTANDING FEMALE HAIR LOSS to learn more about how female hair loss can be reversed or improved in many cases.